4| after

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A group of friends sits around a table at coffee downtown and tries to study for their finals. In reality, what they really do is talk about what happened.

People don't just die like this. One day they're walking down the hallway and the next they're found buried in the woods. Everyone wants to know what happened. Some of them need to know, so they can sleep at night, without thinking they're next.

"I heard the police is questioning everyone who was at the party again," a boy says halfway through an equation. "Imagine being a murder suspect –"

"What do you mean?" a girl asks, looking up from her book.

Another one looks at her like she's stupid, "They're all suspects, Penny. Everyone at that party. According to the autopsy, that's when it happened."

"No way," Penny says. "I'm so happy I'm not invited to those."

"Almost no one is. Everyone in the volleyball team is an elitist prick," the boy says, leaning back on his chair.

"Not everyone."

The boy rolls his eyes, "You know what I mean."

"So it had to be someone from the volleyball team," Penny says.

"Not necessarily. They obviously invited more people. They're just ridiculously selective."

"I'm still glad I wasn't invited," Penny says, and they all agree.

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