Thankfully, there were three rooms in Liam's flat, so nobody have to share beds. Liam uses it whenever his family comes into town. On the way to my bedroom, I whispered to Liam, "Look, I'm sorry about before." He smiled and says, "It's okay. Really." I smile too, and hug him. "Okay, that's great. Night," I say. "Night." We both pull away, and with one last smile, I go upstairs and lock myself in my bedroom. I put on my headphones in my iPod, and turn the music on. My bed has a window beside it, where I can perfectly see the dark, starry sky. I open the window and let the cold breeze in. I needed to relax, and maybe think some things.


"We're here!" I tell Harry, once we get out of the plane. "Yeah, Lou. I can't believe it." "Well, believe it Haz." It's a sunny afternoon, the weather is perfect. We get our bags and go outside and get a cab.

Minutes later, we arrive at an inn. It's really beautiful; it has a country-vibe kind of thing. We go inside and check in. "One room, two beds please," I said. "I'm sorry sir, but the only room we have available now is one with a king-sized bed,” the receptionist replied. Sure, we've been in the same bed before, but now I'm in this secret mission, it feels a bit uncomfortable. But before I could protest, Harry chimes in and says, "Okay, we'll take it." He takes out his credit card and pays.

When we get to our hotel room, we immediately lay down on the bed. "What d'ya want to do?", I ask. "Let's take a nap first, then maybe do something tonight”, he suggests. I nod and we snuggle in the bed. All my uncomfortable feelings go away, as I realize that we actually quite fit, like a jigsaw puzzle, it's like we're meant to be together. I should not really be thinking about these thoughts, but I am, and I couldn't care less. I actually liked the thought. I kissed Harry on the forehead, relaxing and finally feeling comfortable after days.


Liam and I climbed a hill, hand by hand. We finally settled on the top, a beautiful meadow. The view was absolutely breath-taking. He put down the basket he was carrying, and I put the blanket I was holding on the grass. We sat down on the grass, trees all around us. The weather was perfect. The scene was perfect. Everything was just perfect.

We ate and ate, even had a little food fight. After that, we just sat down, looking at the view. Liam pulls out a thin book, and hands it to me. "What is this?" I asked. "Remember that offer the TV channel gave me?" I nod slowly. "I took it. Since the band's on break for a month, I thought a little taping won't affect anything," he explained. "That's good! Now, what's this for?" referring to the book that looks like a script. "I was wondering if you can practice it with me? I'm nervous, and I don't think I can practice it with a woman for now, so maybe you can do it for me?" "Oh, Li, I can't act." He does his puppy dog eyes and pouts, "Please?" "Fine." "Yay! Thanks Niall! It's on page 47." I open the script on page 47 and he starts by saying the lines he had memorized, and I read it on the script.

"Lea, you know you can't marry him."

"I have no choice, Ky. I have to."

"No you don't. It is me that doesn't have a choice. I can't stop loving you, and if you marry him, Lea, I'll be alone."

"I'm sorry, Ky. I love you too, but I can't cancel this wedding anymore. It's all for our own good."

"How can this be good? How will I ever forgive myself that I let you go that easily? How can this be good, when I know I'll never touch you again, or kiss you again, when all I want to do is kiss you right now."

"Kiss me," I said. "Niall, it doesn't really say there-" he replied, looking at the script. I put the script on the ground, "No, I'm saying it." "But-" he protested. I shook my head, "Just, just don't say anything." I put my hands around him, leans my face on him, and kisses him. And I swear at that moment, we were infinite.


TADAAA! Hi, and yes, that last sentence was from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, and please don't hate me if the ending is like this. But I actually enjoyed writing this, and I really really hope it's longer than the others, since I just love it. :]

5 VOTES for next chap! Yeaaah. :>

Infinity and Invisibility. x

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