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"Oh Hi, You must be the second of the Andrews?" Betty's mother said greeting me.

"Yes that would be me" I said giving my prettiest smile.

"Ah well Betty is almost ready but come in and we can talk." She said stepping to the side.

I walked inside to see a nice and tidy house unlike mine it looks like two men live there and it smells like it too. Mrs. Cooper led me to the diner table and gestured for me to sit down.

"So (y/n) you are in high school right?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm a sophomore this year." I replied

"How far are you and Archie apart?" She questioned

"Five minutes" I responded and she looked quite shocked. "We're twins"

"Oh.. wow I had not clue" She said surprised

"Yeah most people don't know" I laughed.

"Oh hey (y/n)" Betty said coming down the steps.

"Oh Betty I didn't know (y/n) and Archie were twins" Mrs. Cooper said.

"Neither did I" She said quite surprised.

"Really? I figured Archie told you" I pointed out.

"Guess not" She shrugged.

We then proceed to leave her house and go to Sweetwater river.

"So you and Archie" I said breaking the silence.

"What about us?" She asked

"Are guys like.. ya know" I questioned.

"Oh... no"

"You seem disappointed by that" I pointed out.

"Yeah I don't know I don't wanna talk about it" She told me.

"Okay that's fine" I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"So... Jughead" She said grinning at me.

"What about him" I said trying to play it off.

"You totally like him" She giggled.

"No I don't" I lied.

"Don't worry Kevin told me you don't have to lie.

"Okay... he's cute" That was an understatement.

"Oooo" She squeaked. "You guys would make such a cute couple"

"Ugh no thanks" I laughed. "Okay let's stop here" I said pulling out my camera.

    Betty and I were out by Sweetwater for about two hours before we went to Eversgreen forest for probably another two hours. Betty was a great model for the pictures and it was really nice to talk with her. After we were done taking pictures she went home and I went to Pops to edit the pictures.

• • • •
    When I talked into Pops I saw a large group of guys in letterman jackets sitting by the booth I would normally sit in. I froze at the sight of a familiar Red headed boy and quickly shuffled to a booth in the back. I turned my back to the boys and quickly got to work. I hooked my camera up to my laptop and started editing the photos when I heard a voice behind me.

In a lonely place | Jughead Jones x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now