Intro (Not First Chapter Nor Prologue)

Start from the beginning

"What? In a wet dream of yours?" Marik responded sarcastically.

"Piss off," Bakura retorted with a slight snarl to his British accent.

"Do it right or you won't be doing it at all!" Marik said, putting his foot on the ground and showing he was serious. Bakura, knowing he couldn't win and frankly found this bit of Marik amusing, gave in to his partner's demands.

"Alright. You win. I'll start all over. Actually," Bakura smiled at the idea that popped into his head, "do you want to write the prologue, Marik? Seeing that you know all, and also screwed up the first chapter," Bakura said. He smiled when he saw his partner look away in disgust like Bakura commented on an outfit that would have looked awful on Marik.

"No. You write prettier than me," Marik said, a hint of fear heard by the trained ear of Bakura.

"Marik, you will do fine," Bakura cooed as he wrapped his arms around his partner's waist, from behind, and rested his chin on Marik's shoulder. The biggest smile was on Bakura's face as he felt his partner stiffen in the sudden embrace. Bakura brought his lips closer to the Egyptian's ear and whispered, "Please?"

"Alright fine!" Marik shouted with such a sudden jolt that it made Bakura let go in pure surprise.

"I'll write the frigin' prologue. But nothing else!" Marik sat down at the computer and began to type.

Bakura bent down to become eye level with the monitor so he could easily read what Marik was typing but his partner shooed him away and said he didn't want Bakura to read it until he was done. Knowing this would be the only way to get Marik to do as he pleased, Bakura did as he was told and left to go make himself some tea.


Well...crap. I don't know how to start this. It seems like Bakura had it in his point of view but I don't know his point of- oh wait! I think I got it!

Alright, so, Bakura's millennium ring began to act up. The appearance of the sweet little Ryou Bakura was almost automatically replaced with the spirit of the millennium item. Yami Bakura. Also known as Florence apparently. (Yeah, can't get past that myself.)

"The millennium ring. It's acting up." The now corrupted Bakura grabbed the glowing ring and it began to lead him in the direction of the new item.

It lead him to an alley and he heard the sounds of a motorcycle heading his way. As the sounds got closer, the ring began to react more and more. Putting two and two together, Bakura hid in a subpart of the alleyway and waited. When the motorcycle got close enough, Bakura jumped out in front of it, causing the driver to have to stop.

"What the frig' are you doing?" the very sexy blonde shouted then turned off his motorcycle.

Bakura smiled mischievously.

Marik sighed with relief when he was done writing the prologue and, from watching Bakura write, he knew it was best to just leave it without rereading. Marik was sure he had grammatical mistakes but Bakura could fix those- or anything that didn't sound good. Marik just knew that Bakura had worked on a chapter for many days because he decided to continue rereading it and changing things.

However, Marik did reread what Bakura wrote and scoffed at himself. Bakura's writing was much prettier and more descriptive. He wondered why Bakura would even suggest having him write but then again, Bakura suggested him to do many strange things.

"Bakura! I did it!" Marik cheered. Even though Marik was just upset with his white haired partner a bit ago, he couldn't stay mad at him for long. Even before they were a couple, it was almost near impossible for the blonde Egyptian to stay mad at Bakura for more then 30 minutes.

"See? It wasn't all that hard now, was it?" Bakura called from the living room, seeming to tease Marik.

"Oh screw you!" Marik retorted. He spun around in the desk chair and he quite enjoyed the feel of the slight pressure on his face due to the centripetal force caused by the spinning. It was also fun for Marik to just stop suddenly and have his head spin for a bit while the room seemed to wave back in forth while also looking like four rooms.

However, Marik didn't spin himself that much or that fast to get any sort of sensation. It was more or less just something he did to put out his boredom.

"Please do," a sudden sly British voice stated.

Marik stopped his spinning and he was turned away from the door. Marik used his feet and stepped a couple of times to the right to get the chair looking towards the doorway where Bakura was leaned against the door frame holding a cup. Marik assumed it was tea, having this being the most British thing he does; plus he always drank tea.

"That is not what I meant, Bakura." Marik crossed his arms in front of his chest and slouched in the chair. He wanted to get back at Bakura for making him do this writing thing but he wasn't sure how. "You are sleeping outside tonight," Marik suddenly spoke. It shocked the both of them, mostly Marik because he wasn't thinking about that at all but now he had already said it so he needed to stick by it or Bakura would take advantage of him again.

"Are you serious? Why?" Bakura asked.

"Because you made me write this. So you are sleeping outside." Marik did the best firm tone he could manage and it seemed to be working.

"Not even on the couch? You are seriously going to kick me completely out of the apartment?" Bakura asked. He seemed annoyed while also appearing to not want to believe any of it. Marik never did these kinds of drastic things and that is what was most likely giving him the edge.

"Yes. This was rather embarrassing, Bakura, and so you are paying for it."

Bakura growled and took another sip of his tea. "Fine. I guess that's fair."

Hey guys! What a chapter huh? Told you Bakura went a little overboard with it. (^.^') I don't think I will have Bakura write anymore chapters. I just thought it would be great to start off a story with Bakura writing because he does write very pretty- at least compared to me. Bakura is a dirty boy though! Like jeez! *giggles* Anyways, peace out!
Bakura: You think that's bad? You want to read my fanfiction? I have everything from Thiefshipping- which are my personal favorites- to Puppyshipping. I pretty much have it all. I even have a bit of Petshipping, Polarshipping, and Danceshipping.
Me: *gasps* We could read each other's fanfictions!
Bakura: You write fluff though. I'd rather not.
Me: Come on! It will be fun!
Bakura: Alright, fine.
Me: Yes! Ok, so I am off to read some heavily descriptive fanfiction. Wish me luck and I'll write soon, with the legit first chapter. So, talk to you all then!

Book 2: Millennium Love (Thiefshipping)Where stories live. Discover now