Chapter 10: "Muffet's"

Start from the beginning

You followed her and walked past all the customers, there were no familiar faces in here other than Muffet, which left you slightly disappointed. You had really hoped that Papyrus would be here. He did mention helping you get a job here, though that was before he knew you had been offered one already.

You walked up to the counter and looked at the menu written with chalk on the wall. Everything on it looked rather interesting, there were plenty of teas, pastries, coffees and sweets. You looked at it for a few minutes before turning to Muffet. "May I have an iced mocha and a spider donut please?" You asked her.

"Of course deary, that'll be three dollars and thirty-two cents." Muffet replied as she signaled her 'spider workers' to start making your mocha

You nodded and put your bag on the counter as you pulled out your wallet, you got three dollars out and gathered three dimes and two pennies. You slid them over to Muffet and she took them with one of her arms, "Thank you," she responded.

You tucked your wallet back into your bag and slung it over your shoulder. You waited for a few minutes until she rolled over with your iced mocha and your donut. "Enjoy deary!" She chirped.

"I will for sure," You replied with a smile as you picked up the donut and walked over to an empty seat.

You unwrapped the donut from it's wrapper, it was iced with purple icing and topped with cartoony spider sprinkles. You sat in the chair and took a sip of the iced mocha, it was heavenly. You sighed happily and leaned back in your chair.

You were now regretting being involved in the protest held here even more, you had severely underestimated the monsters for sure. This iced mocha was absolutely amazing, you understand completely why so many people are here right now.

You picked up the donut and took a small bite, you chewed slowly and felt a smile appear on your lips. It was amazing too, you couldn't believe that you had ever doubted this place.

"heya kiddo,"

You nearly jumped out of your chair when the sudden familiar voice sounded, you put the donut down and turned to see Papyrus looking at you with a humored expression.

"When did you get here?" You asked him in surprise.

"just now," He replied.

"I never heard you come in though?" You replied with a tilt of your head.

"oh really? that's odd." He responded with a snicker.

You tilted your head more in confusion and sighed. "Okay then..."

You soon realized he was wearing a different outfit, he was in black basketball shorts with white stripes going down the sides and a black t-shirt that has "I find this humerus" written on it along with a humerus bone printed next to it.

"Not in your normal garb today, Papyrus?" You spoke with curiosity.

"nah, it was laundry day so my hoodies had to be washed." He replied with a chuckle.

"I wondered if you ever wore anything different." You snickered as you picked your donut back up.

"did ya think i just wore my hoodie all the time, kid?" Papyrus said with a laugh as he pulled the chair out across from you and sat down.

"Well, to be honest... Kinda?" You admitted with an embarrassed blush.

"well, i wear my hoodies a lot, but not that often." He chuckled.

You smiled and took a sip of your iced mocha, "I've only ever seen you wear the orange hoodie, so I didn't know." you joked.

"Oh deary, I see that you've met Papyrus now?" Muffet spoke.

You turned to face her and shook your head, "Actually, we met a few days ago." you responded.

"Oh really? Well you should get used to his presence, after all he's here practically every day." Muffet commented.

"heh, yep. i can't go a day without a bottle of honey." Papyrus chuckled and Muffet rolled her eyes.

"A bottle of honey? Is that normal for monsters?" You asked with a tilt of your head.

"It's normal for Papyrus, another normal thing for him is never paying his tab." She commented while shooting him a glance.

Papyrus shrugged off her comment and smirked, "i'll pay it off one day."

She sighed and shook her head, "I guess you'd like the usual, Papyrus?"

"yes please," Papyrus responded.

"Alright deary, coming right up." She sighed as she walked behind the counter.

"did you have a good walk home last night?" Papyrus asked suddenly which made you freeze.

Should you mention Austin? I mean, other than the impending rain and Austin harassing you, it was pretty good. But, it seemed Papyrus must have sensed your worry because he suddenly asked, "did something happen, kiddo?"

"N-no! Not at all. It was a wonderful walk!" You lied with a fake smile plastered on your face.

"it doesn't sound like you're tellin' the truth, (y/n)." Papyrus responded as he made direct eye contact with you.

"I swear I'm telling the truth," You spoke quickly as you grabbed your coffee and took a sip.

He seemed to raise an 'bone'brow and he leaned back in his chair. "listen kid, i don't know what's going on but, you can tell me."

"Nothing is going on," You fibbed.

He stayed silent for a few seconds before he let out a sigh, "alright kid, i'll leave this issue be for now."

To your luck, Muffet interrupted the conversation when she rolled over and set a bottle of honey in front of Papyrus. It was shaped like a cute bear and Papyrus quickly flipped the lid on the bottle open and took a few sips.

"I suppose this'll be on your tab?" Muffet asked him in a disappointed tone.


"I'll pay for it," You interrupted as you dug through your bag and pulled out your wallet.

"you don't have to do that," Papyrus told you.

"I want to, how much will it be?" You asked her.

"That'll be four dollars." Muffet replied.

You nodded and pulled a five dollar bill out of your wallet, you handed it to her and smiled. "Keep the change,"

"Thank you, deary." Muffet replied as she rolled to the cash register, putting the money into it.

"I'll be in the back, once you're done talking to Papyrus come find me." She told you before rolling into the back.

You finished your donut and looked over at Papyrus to see him staring at you with a slight orange tint on his cheekbones. As soon as he realized that you had noticed him, he turned his gaze to the menu on the wall.

"you should try their camomile tea, it's really good." He spoke quickly.

"Erm, alright." You responded in confusion.

What was that about? Had he been blushing? Could skeletons even blush? And if so, why was he blushing? Was he blushing over you paying for his honey or just over you in general?

Many thoughts swirled around in your head but, you couldn't decide on the exact reason why he had blushed. He seemed quite embarrassed over the whole ordeal so, you didn't dare ask him.

But, thinking about it made you happy for some reason and, you even thought you could feel your own cheeks heating up. In a panic, you quickly took a sip of your drink hoping the cup would cover up your blush.

"O-oh, h-hello Papyrus... I d-didn't expect you to b-be awake t-this early." A familiar shy voice spoke.

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