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"Sitting there, on the bathroom floor, all alone.
Yet I know you are in the room right beside me.
I'm being really selfish yes I know,
Soon I find it, and a memory is all I will be.
Crying, shaking, I forgot to lock the door,
I can't even think right anymore.
As my wrist starts to meet the blade,
I hear you start to worry and call my name. I say 'I'm just, doing something don't worry'.
I then hit it, and you run in a hurry.
You see the puddle and you start to cry,
All you can manage to get out is 'why..?'
I tell you I'm fine, it's just a tiny cut. But the truth is I'm already loosing too much blood.
You call my sister and pull me to your side,
As you whisper, 'I love you. Please you just can't die'
I rush to the hospital and get stitches, while suddenly your bad scar itches.
The surgery went fine but I'm not waking up,
But you stay with me till I'm okay, and now I finally found out about love."

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