The Angel

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This was actually written by me so yup.


An angel is born into the world,
Where they grow up believing lies,
Nobody tells the deadly truth,
On how cruel the world is.

As the angel ages,
The truth cruelly sneaks in,
Going unnoticed by the eye,
Yet the angel notices.

The years go by and the truth takes over,
Slowly it tears the angel apart,
While nobody sees it,
Slowly changing her.

The angel finally has enough,
And people notice,
Sadly thought it is too late,
And everyone cries.

The little angel is now,
Hanging from the ceiling,
Swinging and is smiling.

Tears shed and the angel is free,
They never have to deal with pain,
The silence in the room,
Speaks the truth,
That someone may act fine,
Yet they may be dying inside.

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