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"Remember her? The girl with the smile plastered on her face. Remember her? The one no one took notice of. Remember her? The girl who was always friendly kind and the smile could never ever be wiped off her face. Remember her? she was always 'ok'. Everyone just assumed she was just fine, that she had no problems whatsoever. But what they didn't know was that she was dying inside. Her smile told everyone she was the happiest girl on earth, her laugh made her seem that nothing could stop her from being happy. But again, people ASSUME. They assume things that aren't true. They saw a happy and outgoing girl who could face anything with again, a smile on her face. But really, she was terrified. She was terrified of going to school. She hated putting on a mask but she did it so she didn't have to lie and say 'I'm ok, just tired' she didn't want to tell someone her problems because she knew she'd be labelled as the attention seeker. This girl that you assumed was happy, was just hanging on by a small little weed planted in the ground. That little weed was her hope and happiness. She sat through rainy and sunny days, but it never grew. It only shrunk. Her fingers are aching and the weight of her heart is making her slip everyday. How long would it take for the weight which is her depression to grow so unbearably heavy that she just gives up and let's go? The only way for the weed to grow was for her to have a friend, just a friend to hold her. But no. Everyone ASSUMED she was fine. So maybe STOP ASSUMING and become friends with that happy and outgoing girl. You may save a life."
~submitted by littlemissymoo

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