"But-" I couldn't stop the tears from falling, my knees felt paralyzed from all the glass shards lodged in them.

"No. I don't care," Mom shook her head. "You made me get off the phone for this," Mom pushed past me, causing my hand to stop myself from falling forward only for more glass to gather into my skin.

Wiping my eyes, I attempted to get up. Instantly my legs wanted to collapse again, but I wouldn't let myself fall over. Slowly I made my way down to the main floor bathroom and closed the door.

I found a pair of tweezers and began removing the shards of glass. My knees intensely bleeding more with the release of the glass from my skin. Once I was sure I got all of it out of my knees I picked out the few that got into my hand. I was more than thrilled it wasn't my right hand, or I wouldn't even be able to do my favourite thing. Draw.

After I had finally cleaned and addressed all of my wounds. I made my way out of the room to clean the mess my father had made in his furious rage. Taking the broom I began to sweep the floors, I watched as tears dripped down onto the floor. Sometimes I wished my parents would just stop coming home.

As I was driving to school, I could only think of the yelling and falling on the floor. Even though I had missed the entire morning, I still managed to make it to math. My usual spot was filled so I took the empty one beside Lincoln, who seemed to be listening to music.

"As you all know we have a test coming up this Thursday before classes end," Mr. Odell began. "So I've printed off these review books that I am giving you the time to work on today," Mr. Odell handed out the thick, white books in his hands. "If you need help at any point just come up and ask," Mr. Odell returned to his desk and everyone began to start their booklet.

I watched as Lincoln scrawled his name in pencil across the top. He flipped it open only to start tapping his pencil against it.

"Actually. This reminded me I forgot to hand back your assignments," Mr. Odell laughed as he gathered a new pile of papers in his hands.

When Mr. Odell stopped at Lincoln and I's desk he smiled but also seemed disappointed.

"Mr. Blake-I wish for you to see me after class," Mr. Odell whispered and Lincoln simply nodded, normally he would retort and attempt to get out of it.

I looked down at my assignments, most had full marks. There were only a few that had been lower but not by much. Setting my assignments aside, I focused on the task at hand.

The bell was abrupt, but it signified I was done for the day. I stuffed my work into my brown satchel, only for Mr. Odell to stop me.

"Zelda do you think you could stay behind as well," Mr. Odell smiled, his warm eyes creasing at the edges. "Now as you are one of my top students. I was wondering if you could tutor Lincoln here," Mr. Odell pointed in Lincoln's direction but not a signal word escaped his mouth.

"I could," I looked over Lincoln and then back at Mr. Odell.

"He understands basic concepts and I know there was a reason he chose to be in these higher classes rather than essentials," Mr. Odell folded his arms and nodded. "You can tutor him here after school. Library. Wherever you both feel comfortable," Mr. Odell handed me a book. "This is what you need to teach. He has the potential he just needs someone to help him and clearly I'm not doing enough," Mr. Odell gave me a pat on the shoulder and I simply nodded, stuffing the new book into my bag.

"Tomorrow. Library," Lincoln began to walk past me. "Four o'clock." Lincoln held up four fingers before he left the classroom.

"Lennie I don't want to wear a dress," I sat on Lennie's bed as she flung clothes from her closet.

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