"Well let's see: so far today, I've had to deal with three customers complaining about the dumbest things I've ever heard of." I brought the dishes to the bins and placed them in there without making too much noise. "One who changed seats four different times without telling me, something to do with the feng shui-" I took Nora's offered cloth and wiped the table "-another about the type of lettuce we used in the salad, and the last lady about "too hot" chilli. I just left it on a table until it cooled then handed it back to her." I set the rest of the table with Nora's help and returned to the front counter.

"Oh, and I've gotten really crappy tips. Eight tables, about twenty people in total, and I've gotten twenty odd dollars in tip." I sighed and took a drink from the glass of water I had set aside earlier.

"It'll get better", Nora assured me. "Don't worry about that. Just you wait. There's a group that comes in every Friday or Saturday that tips really well. Maybe they'll come in today."

"I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to have to start digging under couch cushions to pay my rent." Nora smiled at me sympathetically.

"They're regulars. They'll definitely be here." Both of our heads turned to the front door as the little bell rang. Five people walked in. "And here they are. I'll go seat them." Nora walked off to the group, greeting them with her kind smile and bringing them to a table by the window. I sighed, tightened my already too tight ponytail, and armed myself with my notepad, a pen and five menus.

"Hello", I greeted the clients. "My name is Dani and I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I handed them the menus.

I hadn't even noticed that all of them were looking at me until I looked up to take their orders. Five guys, all my age, looking freaking badass in dark shirts, jeans and the occasional leather jacket. And even then, it wasn't the clothes that made the man. They emanated the attitude, the look that gave off the impression that they were badass and they knew it. It was almost arrogant looking. Help, I thought meekly.

One of them broke their intense calculating gaze and spoke in a low voice. "I'll take a Coke, please." I scribbled it down as I tried to ignore his strong jawline.

"Make that two Cokes", the guy with green streaks in his dark hair to Strong Jawline's left said.

"Three", another said. He reminded me of an ox with how big he was.

"Three cokes", I confirmed. I turned to the other two who hadn't ordered yet. "And for you two?"

"Root beer, please", one said in a Quebec-French accent. I noticed he had a small ring piercing his lower lip.

"And a 7-Up", the last one said. "Thanks, doll." I fought down the urge to roll my eyes and only smiled.

"Alright then. I'll be right back with those." I turned and walked back to the counter to order the drinks.

"Three cokes, a root beer and a 7-Up, please." Nora had her hands unmoving on a pack of unopened napkins as she dazedly stared into the mirror that covered the back of the cashier counter. I placed myself at her angle, and saw that she was eyeing the table of boys in the mirror's reflection. "Nora? Hello?" I snapped my fingers under her nose. She jumped.

"I wasn't looking at Mikaël. Why would you say that?", she accused immediately. I looked at her strangely.

"I didn't", I said slowly. Nora turned pink and started pulling the drinks out of the fridge. "Who's Mikaël?" She had pronounced his name like "Mee-ka-elle", the French way. I immediately knew who it was, but I asked anyways. Nora didn't answer me and started placing the drinks on a tray with glasses. I leaned against the counter as I eyed the table as well.

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