Zed's calm expression turns into rage.

Zed: You're all the same! I extend my help and you turn a blind eye! YOU'RE ALL THE SAME!
Jun: Wait. Are you saying you asked other Masters too?
Zed: That's right! And none of them said yes!
Jun: What did you expect? An enemy suddenly asking to team up sounds fishy. Besides, I don't want to be on a team with someone who strengthens his Servant by making them steal human souls.
Zed: What's wrong with gaining a little advantage? You're an idiot if you think playing by the rules will get you somewhere!
Jun: That's just the words of a murderer.

Zed becomes more and more angry. Zerra doesn't let her guard down and prepares for anything.

Zed: Fine. Be that way. And you're right, I can't be trusted. I planned to stab you in the back the moment you drop your guard anyway.
Jun: Tsk. I knew it.
Zed: Then die along with you trash of a Servant!

Suddenly, a cloud of thick smoke burst in front of him. As it settles, standing before Zed was a wolf-like creature. It had pitch black fur with red glowing eyes. It's size was also different since it was three times bigger than the average wolf. It was so big that it almost fills up the entire room.

Zed: Say hello to MY Servant. It'll be the last thing you'll see before I end your life.

The creature growls as it moves closer and closer. Jun and Zerra on the other hand had their backs against the wall.

Jun: Holy shit. That's...That's also a Servant?
Zerra: Yes. Unlike me, it prefers to be in it's beast form.
Jun: Can you fight it?
Zerra: I wish however there's no enough space here. I'll be in a disadvantage.
Jun: Then there's no other choice. If there's no exit for us to use, then we'll just have to make one.

Zerra understands what Jun was thinking. She quickly turns to the wall behind them as she prepares for an attack. Flames begins to gather around her right hand and with one mighty punch, a small part of the wall breaks down.

Zed: You're not getting away! Kill them!
Zerra: Not today! (looks at Zed)

Zerra creates a line of intense flames between her and Zed's Servant. With it distracted, Zerra and Jun takes the opportunity and jumps out the newly made hole and lands in the backyard.

Zerra: Those flames won't hold them forever.
Jun: Yeah. Let's get out of here for now. No doubt that the police heard your little stunt earlier.
Zerra: Right.

With that, the two of them quickly leaves the area. Back in the room, the flames had died out already. Zed and his Servant goes near the busted wall and sees the two running away. He grips his fist in annoyance.

Zed: You think you can run from my Servant? You're dead wrong.

Just then, two police officers come bursting in the room with guns in their hands. They see Zed and his Servant.

Police Officer A: Hands in the air! Don't move!
Police Office B: What the hell is that thing? (looks at Servant)

Without looking back at the police, Zed commands his Servant.

Zed: How about a little snack before we begin the hunt?

Hearing those words, the beast charge at one of the officers and cleanly bites off half of his body. His fellow police officer could only watch in horror as the Servant turns it's attention to him. He was about to scream but was devoured as well. A little later, Jun and Zerra had arrived at a park. They stop under a tree so Jun could catch his breath. He seems to be really tired as his face was covered in sweat.

Zerra: Are you alright?

It takes Jun a moment to answer.

Jun: Y-Yeah...Man, I am not use to this...(panting)
Zerra: Well take your time. We've put some distance between us and him. If he does come after us, it'll take some time before he--.

Fate / Sacred FireHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin