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Evelyn's (POV)

I arrive at Star Bucks wondering what the hell do I do now. My mother being a bitch, and my brother being a dick, I decided on a roll.

I walk up to the counter and see a girl, not much taller then me, with green glasses and really high shoes say, "hello! Welcome to StarBucks! How may I be of assistance?" She says cheery and happy.

"Uhhh... Can I get, a caramel chocolate mocha? And a cinnamon roll?" I ask.

"SURE! And would you like me to heat up your cinnamon roll for you ma'am?" She asks looking behind me.

"Just one second sir." She says and I look behind me. There is a boy, not much older then me, brown hair and sunglasses. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"It's not polite to stare." He states. "Oh! Oh my god... Uh... Sorry..." I turn back around. Well that was awkward. I can here him snickering behind me, and I turn to look again. He is looking at me smirking. I just shake my head and look away.

"Can you please warm that up? Thank you." I say. "SURE I CAN!" She says a little to pipy, and puts it in the microwave. I get my wallet out, just as she comes back.

"That will be $7.42 ma'am" she says. I look in my wallet. Shit. I only have five dollars. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!!

"Here you go." I say giving her my money, hoping that she will not notice. How stupid of me to think that.

"Ma'am? This is only five. I need seven." She says and the boy behind my steps forward.

"Here." He says and gives her three dollars. "Keep the change." He says. And I look at the boy smiling. His eyes, reflecting the sunlight- Evelyn! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!? I'm thinking about that boy. WELL STOP IT! Never! STOP IT RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY! But why? He's so...

"Ma'am, we have more customers. Can you please move aside?" She says, and I take my stuff to a table.

As I sit down I watch the boy order. Wait. What is wrong with me?!? As he turns around, I pretend to be looking at a feather on the table, and take a bite from my roll.

Just as I go to take a sip from my coffee, he sits down at my table. I look up.

"Hi." He says.

"Hello..." I say awkwardly.

"My name is Mitch. What's yours?" He says. I'm not really used to this... What the hell is be doing?

"My name is Evelyn." I say. His brows furrow. "I have always wanted to name my daughter that name." He says. "Yeah..." I say.

"Do you always have arguments with your self?" He says and I freeze. I slowly look up at him and realize I had spoken out loud the argument with myself. FUCK SHIT ELEANOR YOU DID IT AGAIN! YOU SCREWED EVERYTHING UP! "Uh... Usually in my head..." I say and he starts to chuckle. "It's okay. I do that to believe it or not. Hey? Why don't you come by my place tonight, for some pasta or Mac and Cheese? It was going to be just me and my friend but, you can come to." He says.

"Sure!" I say with a mouthful of food. "Here's my address, and my number. See you at eight." He says and walks out of the little shop. BOY IS HE ATTRACTIVE!! I mean the eating mac and cheese at his house is a little weird but whatever.

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