"Trying to rally some wolves for the upcoming attack." Armin said dully with an eye roll. I scrunched my nose in confusion, I hadn't heard anything about an attack on our pack. I wasn't all that shocked though, our pack was hated throughout the lands.

"What attack?" I asked, earning shocked glances from everyone in the car. How the heck was I supposed to know anything when I was locked in my families den all day? They didn't think sometimes.

"The Moon Packs have been planning on taking down our pack for some time now. The Blood Moon pack decided to do it soon, but Alpha Kolt wont have it. He's arranging a 'peace treaty' but like I said he's out looking for recruits, he plans on taking down the packs Alpha." Marco sighed while picking at his nails. "Not like it'll work, the Blood Moons pack Alpha is the cruelest Alpha out there."

A fear filled chill went down my spine, I had heard the stories of that Alpha. He killed and tortured for fun, he didn't care about anyone but himself, and took down every pack that he saw was weak enough to slaughter. But there was a weird feeling deep inside me, a sense of anticipation, my wolf was slightly restless, pacing around and giving short yips of excitement.

"W-what does that mean for us?" I asked barley above a whisper, would we all be executed for his own entertainment? I didn't think a Blood Moon pack would be the one that attacked us...we really didn't stand a chance against any of them.

"Some plan on fleeing and others think if we do the rational thing and surrender that he'll take us into his pack or one of the other Moon packs. It's how they all stay strong, but if not we'll have to join some smaller packs or...go rogue." Mikasa explained, she was awfully calm and I was begging to get suspicious. Why wasn't she worried?

The car ride grew silent and eerie, everyone lost in their own thoughts and worries. It stayed like that until we got to the towns Plaza. As soon as we arrived, all negative thoughts flew out of my head as I caught sight of everything.

"Whoa." I breathed attempting to take it all in. I had never been to the Plaza before and it looked really fricken awesome! The many smells flooded my senses and made me start to drool. "Come on! Lets go, lets go!"

I ignored their laughs and skipped my way into the first building I saw, which happened to be a pizza place. The delicious smell left my stomach growling, I hadn't had decent food in months due to Alpha Kolt. He took away most of our food supplies since my parents wouldn't allow him to have me. Taking away enough as a sort of "punishment" but enough to keep his "mate" properly fed.

I wasn't sure how my parents kept him from keeping me, the only way to stop an Alpha from forcefully taking another wolf as their mate, was for that wolf to have been marked and mated already. I was neither one of those cases. None of it made sense really, they had something to keep him from taking me, but it obviously wasn't enough for me to live a normal life.

I gave up on the ideas of finding my mate years ago. He would have to at least be a beta and our packs beta definitely wasn't my mate, and I wasn't able to visit other packs to try and find my mate. It was all hopeless to me, but my wolf wasn't one to give up. He knew our mate was out there searching for us and wouldn't stop until he saved us from this broken pack. I didn't care anymore, I didn't even want it anymore. Who did the goddess think she was, choosing who I had to be stuck with for the rest of my life? What if I didn't like them? What if I hated them? What if they were worse than Alpha Kolt?

I doubted anyone could be worse than that sicko. What kind of Alpha wanted to take a young Omega against their will? I rolled my eyes at the thought, very happy that I was being kept away from him. But how did they manage to keep him away from me?

"You and Annie go get a table while we all order food and drinks okay?" I nodded, leaving my thoughts, and followed my sisters orders while helping her mate sit at booth towards the back of the restaurant. Annie and I were pretty close, due to her being my sisters mate she practically lived in our den with us. She became another big sister to me.

My Possessive Alpha ~Mpreg~Where stories live. Discover now