you're my dream

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Maya pulled her white sheets over her head and moaned in defeat as her alarm clock screamed into her ears.   After a couple of moments of unsuccessfully ignoring the sound, she slammed her hand down onto the snooze button and buried her face into her pillow, deciding to wait until the clock screamed at her to wake up again and trying her best to ignore the sound of the pouring rain outside.  

While struggling to fall back asleep, she found herself getting lost in thought about the man who once shared the queen sized bed with her.   She thought about his dark chocolate hair and his deep blue eyes, and the way his smile could make her stomach tie itself into a thousand knots.   While the memories made her smile, her heart ached whenever she had thought about the he told her about the promotion.  


Josh smiled down at Maya as she gazed and made comments about the fall leaves and all their beautiful colors on their walk, but his smile softly turned into a frown as she made eye contact with him again.  Maya brow's furrowed in confusion; for he had been acting strange and distant for the past week, and it was very unlike him.  

"Josh, what's wrong?" Maya had finally asked him.  She had stopped just in front of a bench.  The cold October wind nipped at their necks, causing Maya to rub her arms in order to stay warm. 

"Let's sit," Josh suggested, making Maya go numb.   Josh had sounded very serious, like something was wrong, and there was definitely something he wasn't telling her.  

"I know something's up," Maya gave Josh a sad smile, "Have I been doing something wrong? Do you not like me anymore? I..."  

Josh shook his head and interrupted her, "No, no it's not like that, Maya.  You know how I feel about you.  There's something else." 

"Well?" Maya awaited the announcement.  

Josh sighed and ran his fingers through his hair nervously, "Well, you know how I've been doing writing articles for that new magazine?" 

"Uh huh," Maya answered.  

"They offered me a promotion," Josh said, still avoiding eye contact with Maya.  

"Josh, that's great news," Maya laughed, grabbing his shoulders, "We can finally get a new coffee machine, or maybe a new mattress; because the one we have right now is NOT cutting it-" 

"They need me to move," Josh interrupted, looking Maya straight in the eyes.  Her face quickly shifted, but she still seemed hopeful.  

"That's okay," Maya said, "I can take the train to you on weekends.  It's not too far of a ride to anywhere in New York." 

Josh's voice broke, "They want me to go to London, Maya." 

"Oh," Maya said softly, tears filling up her eyes, "This changes everything." 

"But it doesn't have to," Josh said hopefully, taking Maya's hands in his, "I know we've only been dating for 8 months and living together for 2 and we're already moving so fast, but you can come with me, Maya.  We can start a life there.  I know you're 20 and I'm only 23 but we can make this work.  Come with me, please." 

"Josh," Maya reluctantly took her hands out of Josh's and looked away, "I have school here.  My family is here and my work is here.  I can't just leave."

Josh sighed, "I just thought-."  

"You know I can't, Josh," Maya said, trying her hardest not to burst into tears.  She had waiting years for this man, only for him to be take away from her after only a few months.   

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