Chapter 11

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Yo's POV

 He was kissing me. I was in such shock, that cant move. Only he's lips we're moving, mine was froze. He's kisses was different from Phana. He was more calm. Sweet, and delicate. While P'Pha was impatient. His kisses was warm, and always heat up my whole body. In case of P'Forth, he was really good kisser. He's kisses were fine. 

After a few seconds, or maybe minutes he stepped away from me. I immediately looked around to make sure that nobody saw it.

–P'Forth! Somebody could see us. - I don't want to have another fight with my dad.

- How do you feel?- He asks, putting he's hands on my shoulders. - How was the kiss?

–Fine.- I reply.

–Just fine?- He ask in concern.

I didn't know what he meant. I said something wrong. Or maybe about I didn't answer for a kiss. But I was surprised. He did it so suddenly that I had no time to react. Suddenly he laugh.

–Wayo', you cant lie. 

–I don't understand.- I sigh.

–You don't love me.

–I do! I know how I feel.- I disagree. 

–Yo'.- He sigh heavy.- You indeed love me, but not in a way, how I love you. - He explained.- You love me like a brother, or close friend, who helps you a lot. 


–It's just gratitude, not real love. - He brush my cheek.- I would give everything , so you look at me, just like on Phana.

–I'm sorry I thought...

–It's not your fault.- He assured.

- It is.

- No. From the beginning I have know, that this is impossible. You love him too much.

–But he hurt me. - I interrupt.- He didn't believe in me, and lie about such important thing. 

–Just because he made mistake, doesn't mean you cant forgive him. - He explained with concern in he's voice. - Yes he made a mistake, he did wrong. But you can't always looking in the past.

–What if he did this again in the future. - I asks.- I can't trust him. 

–Wayo'. Just because you're afraid of being hurt in future, can't stop you to be happy. - He smile.- You can't choose who you love. It's not that simple. Love is complicate, sometime painful, but also full of happiness.

–How can you say that.- I asks.- You said you loved me.- I was feeling a tears in my eyes. - How can you repulse me.- They fall down my cheeks.

–I love you, that why I want your happiness.- He wiped my tears with he's fingers. - I can't give you what you need. 


–That will not be fair for any of us. - He tried to explain it to me. - You should talk with Phana, and explain your misunderstandings.

He was right, but I don't want to admit it. This would mean I have to face my fear. 

–I will never agree on this.- Someone voice interrupt us. I turned around.


–Wayo, whose you're guest? - Dad ask in anger. 

–Sawadee, I'm senior from you're son school. - He bowl.

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