Chapter 7

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Yo's POV 

                                                                           ... 1 2 3 4 5 I love you ....

                                                                 Six Seven Eight Nine I love you ...

                                                                  Everyday and night I love you ...

                                                                                      I Love You ... 

After breakfast, we go to the main office. I wanted as soon as possible, arrange a trip back to my home. But it turned out, that I must wait for my guardian professor, to come back from he's home. His permit was necessary to leave. It will take about a week. 

–Maybe it's better.- Ming was trying to comfort me.

–Better for who? 

–Who knows.- He sigh.- You may change your mind and listen P'Phana.

–Don't try to mix my mind.

–So you choose P'Forth? - Ming asks.

–I don't choose anybody. - I sigh.- It was P'Pha , he left me.

–I know Yo', but maybe he had some good reason.

–Like what? Make me cry all night at he's door, and beg him to explain.- I ask.- You know how he hurt me, and you still defend him.

–Wayo. You love him.- he noted.

–He just like to tease me. It's not love. - I sigh.

–Hearing him will not kill you.

–But what will say P'Forth, when he will see us together.

I was really upset.

–Yo. Why did you mention him?- He sighed heavily.- I think that now Phana will have to fight to win you're heart again.

–You're talking nonsense.

–I know you to well my friend, and I can tell, that you heart is split between the two seniors.- He tap my head.- Be prepared my friend, because the fight will be fierce.

–Phana is just feeling sorry about my state. 

–I don't think so. Let's go. 

He lead me to his car. When he enter school I was waiting for him. He had a few things to do, so I decided to wait in the car. It was better than walking in such a state after school. If someone fell on me , I could go to hospital again. This time will be worse. Someone knocked on the glass.

–Och. P'Forth.- I unlocked the door.

–Nong Yo, how are you?- He ask.

–Better, but my hand still hurt.- I complain. 

–I was worried about you. Who give you medicine?

–Ming. He came to my room early in the morning. - It was a lie. 

But I cant tell him the truth. He will be really angry on me, and I don't want that. Now when I realize that I may really like him a lot, I was little nervous.

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