Chapter 2

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Next Day ... 

–Ai' Yo.

–Ming. Whats up?

–Nothing. Last night I meet P'Kit

–Och, and?

–Nothing special, he was asking about you.

 That's was weird. 

–About what?

–Your date with P'Forth.

–You told him!- I was really mad.

–No. P' told them. He really likes you. 

- Tel me something I don't know. 

- So, are you excited. 

–About what?

–Your date.

–Ai' Ming!- I was really embaresed.

–Ming. Wayo. 

–P' Beam.- My heart was raising. 

Maybe Phana told him to come, and ask about date. Maybe he's jealous.

 –Nong Yo.- He looked uncomfortable. - P'Pha...


–He asked me to pick up his notes, that he had gotten at you. 

My Heart was bleeding. He really forgot about me. Ming patted me on the shoulder. I did not realize that I was drifting.

–I can take you.

–Yes.- I agree. 

When we got to the place, I searched my notes and actually I find his to. 

–Here P'.


–Yes P'.

–How are you? 

–Well, I'm moving forward.- That was such a lie. - I can't wait forever. 

He drove me back in silence. 

–Yo. He's really..

–Ai' Yo.

–P' Forth.- I was upset, because I felt he wanted to tell me something important.

- P'Beam.

–I must go.- I was Lost.

–I was looking for you. 

–Why P'?- Again I was feeling nervous.

–Today will be good?

–Good for what? - I was confuse. 

–Date. We could go to cafe, next to school.

Ming was right, and I should forget about Phana. He forgot about me. Now he hew P'Pring. Forth was nice, and probably really like me. I should give him a chance. He was always with me, when I needed him. He never left me, unlike P' Pha. But I Can't denay that my heart belongs to Pha. 

–I think so. 

–It's great. I will find you after classes.

–Yes P'. 

He went away, and his place took to my surprise P'Phana. 



–So everyone will be fine. - I was shocked by his words.


–You heard me.- He looks pissed off. 

–Yes, and I heard you too. Sawadee Krap.- It was Ming. -P', I never thought you could be such an asshole.

–Ai' Ming.- I try to stop him.

–No Wayo. He should hear what I thinks about him.- He was so mad.- I'm glad you left my friend. Because now, he can be with person, that really cares about him. 

–Maybe this person is Forth.

–Maybe he is. Come on Yo. We should go to our classes. 

He took me away. Phana words really hurt me. Ming was right. I should give P'Forth a chance. Who knows, maybe this date will not be so bad.

 Lessons were fast and as P' promised , he was waiting for me at the door. We went on foot, because it was close. In the middle of it was full of people from college, but we found a free table. We ordered and when we were waiting, we started talking. I almost forgot, how talking to him always pleased me.

 –How's your classes?

–It's really hard. 

–I still remember my first year. - He was smiling. - It was a disaster. 

–Really P'. It's hard to belive.

–Yes, one day... 

Our date was fine. He was really funny and smart. He drove me back to the dorm, said goodbye and drove away. For a long time I thought for the first time, that maybe everything will be fine. 

*I hope you will enjoy  this. And like always I'm sorry for mistakes and errors. 

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