Chapter 4

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I was in shock. He looks awful. Crumpled shirt. Torn hair. Red eyes. Besides, he was totally drunk. I've never seen him before, in this condition. 

He barely clung to his feet. He was muttered to himself, and stinking terribly. Only my friend Ming, thought it was funny. 


–Nong Yo. - He grabbed my shirt.- My sweet, Wayo.

–Pha, you're totally drunk. - I noted.

–I'm so happy.- He sing. - Kiss me.

–No! I pushed him away. 

 Someone walked down the corridor. I did not hesitate. I have to pulling him inside the room. As soon I turned my back to him, he hugged me. I tried unsuccessfully to get rid of him. Ming was still smiling, and enjoying this situation.

–You better call P'Kit.- I asked. 

–No.- He murmured into my neck. It's tickled.- I want to cuddle. 

–Sure.- I tap he's hair.–He's really sweet, when he's drunk.- Ai'Ming laugh. I don't think it was funny. 

–Call him already.

–P'Pha sit here.- I pointed to the bed.- Be good.

–No. don't leave me.- He dragged me to he's knees.

–Pha, pleas let me go. 

I was feeling uncomfortable. We weren't together anymore. I tried to pull away from him. But he refused to let me go.

Luckily somebody started knocking. To the room entered P'Beam and P'Kit. 

–Can you take him from here?- I asked.

–It's still early, somebody can see us, and report this.- P'Beam noted.- We have to wait.

–How long?- I inquired.

–An hour.- Answer P'Kit.

–A whole hour!

–Something near this- He assured. 

–Why he drank so much? - I ask.

They don't replay. The silence was awkward. Phana was trying to unbutton my shirt, and lay me on a bed. 

 –I love you.- I know he was drunk, but my heart was shaking. 

He's friends, was just stares at as. 

- Don't lave me anymore.

–P'Pha, go to sleep.

–Here, here Phana.- P'Beam was taring to help me. - Lay down, and go to sleep.

–Wayo is mine. I won't give him to you.- He tightened his grip.

–Nobody want's to take him away.- Beam assured he's friend.- Sleep a little, Ok.

They helped me to free myself. We put him to sleep, and I finally was able to breath. 

–Now, tell me what's really happening.

–Nothing special.- These two was obviously laying.

–Even I can fell, that something is wrong here.- Ming interrupt.

- Spell it.

–You should talk about it with him.

–P'Kit, he's drunk. 

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