Chapter Twenty - Wolf Afflictions - (Damon's POV)

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Wolf Afflictions

*~Damon's POV~*

I watched Alex pack up all the medical equipment and some of his things. He looked a bit shaky but that was it. No types of stress or even self hatred. No signs of even vaguely remembering pulling he trigger on someone. The only thing he seemed to be thinking about was why Hunter had just yelled at him to get out.

I was going to take him home. He needed rest. It was only a matter if time before it hit him what he actually did. That he killed someone. I remember for my ritual I went a whole week before I broke down. And I couldn't stop seeing their face everywhere I went. Every scream. There was a cold empty feeling following me around for weeks. But then I found ... well, I found Josh. But that changed for Alex and Molly after that. And now only Alex is still standing.

I kept thinking about what Hunter had said. That Alex wasn't his. That he was really my mate. But that couldn't be true. We couldn't be mated. It just ... it wasn't right. It wasn't fair. To either of us. Hunter and I, I mean. It's not fair to me because I could have had him sooner. I could have been with him the day he told me that he liked me. And it wasn't fair to Hunter because he deserved Alex a million more times than I did.

Until I saw Hunter break down a few hours ago I didn't even think that he had emotions. He never has shown a lot of emotions. Even as a child. He was quiet and shy. He was very reserved. And I realized that whoever this Curse guy was has been rapidly draining away all of my brothers strength. It saddens me to think that all this time Hunter has been hurting himself and trying not to make others think he's weak or see his weakness.

But Alex has brought out those emotions. He's helping him move out of his shell. But there's something wrong now. He's shouting himself down again. Pushing people away.

Alex sighed and looked back at me. I stared back still wondering how he could be my mate. But it does explain why we couldn't keep out hands off each other.

"I don't understand." Alex said softly. His words barely a whisper in the wind.

"There really is nothing to understand. I'm going to take you home and then find Hunter. I think I know were he might have wondered off to." I said.

Alex sighed but nodded his head anyway. I walked over to him and put my hands at the sides of his face. He looked back at me and I once again felt that little flicker of lust but I didn't act on it. Just stood there looking at Alex. Wondering how the hell I could ever deserve to be mated to this. How it was even possible to be mated to him.

"Damon?" Alex whispered looked at me in a bit of confusion. And I realized I must have been staring to long.

"Sorry." I said backing away from him. "I just... Hunter he said some, um, he said ... anyways, I need to get you back. Me and Hunter need to have a talk." I rambled on. Alex looked even more confused but followed me back home anyway.

The trip was silent and brief. Alex walked behind me with his head down and hands gripping his belongings tight. He seemed to be in deep thought. I just keep walking forward. That's what we all needed to do. Keep moving forward. We arrived that the house moments later and Alex when to put his things away. I stayed in the kitchen with my mom to explain what was happening.

“Where's Hunter?” she asked concerned.

“I'm not sure, but I think he's down by the lake. We found the roughs. It was Josh and two other guys from the team, but Alex he... he killed Josh. After that Hunter when crazy or something so I'm gonna go find him. But keep an eye on Alex please. He hasn't cracked yet.” I said. My mom was kind of shook at the fact that Alex had killed but said she would look after him.

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