Chapter Eleven - An Old Temple - (Damon's POV)

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An Old Temple

*~ Damon's POV ~*

Just stay in the back and no one will notice how bad you feel, Damon. Or is it supposed to be in the front? I sighed. I can't concentrate. Do you know how embarrassing that was to be bossed around by my younger brother? Although, that's my fault. Since I just willing gave up my position. And then there was Molly who obviously just wanted me to treat her the same as before but I just couldn't. Not because I don't love her anymore or anything like that. It's because I love her that I'm distancing myself. I don't wanna have to say goodbye to her. But once Molly decides something, it happens. I could tell right away that she wanted to leave but was just going to pretend and then pack up as soon as she could.

And then there's Alex. I was trying to confront him about our short, little affair. But he won't even look at me now. I had only successfully cornered him when I started to use some wolf power. I know it's not my best decision, but I was getting desperate! I need him to be comfortable around me and be friends with me again. I couldn't stand the thought of not talking to him anymore. I didn't want us to fall back into our patterns of hate and self-hatred. Because that's what got us here today. Trudging through these stupid woods. Trying to find some rouges. I was literally dragging my body along and not caring.

My anger from earlier was drained out and was replaced by a numb feeling. And it wasn't really just because of Molly and Alex, it was this whole situation. I've been told, since I was a little boy that nothing bad would ever happen to me because I was special and different and lucky. Then when I turned seven, I understood. I transformed and started learning about my packs history. How many generations ago, my family saved a powerful and well known werewolf that granted us with luck and good fortune. Hunter was six then, so I knew his turn would be coming soon. He would turn, learn about the pack, and then train to be the best and strongest wolf he could.

And everything was fine. But then the whole 'Curse' thing was finally evident when he turned. No one knew how to react or respond. This was the first time anything that was considered bad had ever happened to us since way back when. And everyone - and I mean everyone - was talking about it. Not just in our own little community but nation wide. The Legendary Pack wasn't some little town show thing. It was known everywhere. Were suppose to be the strongest pack in the nation. And no one realized how terrifying that is until Hunter. We didn't actually realize how much responsibility we had. How many enemies and challenges we had.

So I got scared. The closer and closer my inauguration got the more and more I didn't want to do it. So I started watching Hunter closer. Seeing just how he did things. If even with his curse he could make it through. Or at least pretend like he could. And he did pretty well. Even though he only really had one friend, he still managed to not be a complete outcast. And even if I wasn't the captain of the football team I had the feeling that he would do just fine. So I gave up my alpha responsibilities. I just threw it to my little brother to deal with on top of his stress with his curse. And that's probably the single most terrible thing I've ever done to him. But yet, I can't help but feel happy about it. Like, this is what Hunter was made to do.

But now, things are so messed up. I don't even understand how Hunter is holding up. With Molly not even really being real and me and Alex ... there's are just way to many secrets floating around waiting to be popped. And it's killing everyone right now.

"Can someone say something?" Alex asked quietly. We all stopped walking for a moment and stared at each other. Hunter sighed before leaning down to look at some tracks in the ground.

"Well, from the looks of it, I say that they headed over this way." He said pointing over his shoulder. "We should head that way and find a place to hold up for tonight. It's almost sunset." Alex looked at Hunter for a little bit before sighing and walking ahead. We all knew that when he wanted someone to talk, it wasn't about what we were doing right now. Although, I think Hunter's direction is right. We can't focus on our personal problems right now, we can't afford to.

We started our walking again. The green leaves all blurring together in their variate of colors. The sunshine warming everything its rays touched. The sounds of birds, deer, and other animals running about in the woods. But none were werewolves. And for once it felt nice. To be able to pretend I don't know what's in these woods. That I can't turn into one of them. I've always thought about what my life would be like if I was normal. If I didn't have to turn into a werewolf at times.

I could go out to parties and date anyone I wanted to without worrying and I could marry someone I choose and start a family. But that's not what happens. I am what I am and I have to just deal with it.

The walk was once again silent but no longer as tense and awkward. We traveled for what seemed like forever before we stumbled upon a clearing. Hunter decided that this would be an play place to set up for tonight. And I was glad, as my human legs were starting to get tired.

"You and Molly can go find some wood for a fire and me and Alex will put up the tents." Hunter said.

"Um, Hunter, I've never set up a tent in my life." I heard Alex say as me and Molly started towards the woods.

Molly took my hand in hers and as much as I wanted to push her away I really couldn't right now. I needed some kind of comfort. The sun was setting and we had to hurry to get some wood. I mostly followed Molly and held the wood. She sighed as she just handed me the wood. She knew I was pulling away from her and it was upsetting her. And I get it, I owe her an explanation. But if I tell her she'll get upset, won't she? And then there will be yelling and screaming and fighting. And that is the last thing we needed.

I finally looked up from the wood in my hands and noticed Molly was out of sight. Shit! Were the fuck did she go? But then I realized that nothing was moving and there was no sound what so ever. Golden mist was starting to pour around me. The whole forest floor was filled with the fog like mist.

"Fate?" I asked. The mist took form in front of me, and surely enough, Fate was standing before me.

"Hello, Damon." She said. Her golden eyes glimmering slightly in the stilled sun light.

"What do you want?" I asked, "Where's Molly?"

Fate raised her brow as she started to circle around me. "Interesting that you still care so much about Molly." She seemed to be saying that more to herself than anything, as if she had been checking something. She smiled at me, "She's perfectly fine. In fact, she's found something very important. Well, not to you but to her. I'm just here to help push her along. But since I'm bound to you I had to use some mist."

"Um, ya. I can see that. But why freeze the whole freaking world?" I scoffed.

"Well, sorry that it bothers you but I'm the most powerful of all my friends. I. Am. Fate. Time stops when I walk because everything little thing I do causes chain reactions. I have thousands of little tiny things I have to do to make sure you and everyone around you does exactly what they're suppose to do. Freedom is not real, do you get it now?" She said. Her hair starting to swirl with golden mist and the mist around us seemed to make everything darker and ... bloody. "I have to sit in your stupid brain and wait for moments to do my job. In fact, I've been doing my job for quite sometime I've just never had to make a personal visit because we both agree that last time wasn't very nice. But now I have to talk to you. Out of all the ideas in your head, distancing yourself from Molly is actually quiet smart considering what will happen later tonight. And by the way, these rouges that your chasing, they start everything. A word from the wise, listen to Alex. There are things you don't know about him, Damon. So that gun you and Hunter have been hiding, I suggest you give to him." Fate glared. Then she exploded into mist.

I stood there a little flabbergasted. And not really knowing at to do. But I was soon put back into reality by the sound of Molly's voice calling me.

"Damon! I called out to you like five times." she said.

"Uh, sorry..." I said still kind of dazed.

"Well come on, I found something." She said and started to drag me along with her. We came to clearing of dying grass and half wilting tress covered in Spanish moss. In the middle seemed to some sort of ruins. It was standing alone and was crumbling down. We walked towards it and took a moment to looking around.

The foundation was still pretty well in tack. And there was writing all over it that I could barely make out from all of the dirt and grass growing through cracks in the foundation. But as I got closer to the center, things started to get a lot clearer. Markings of the wolf transformation. Ancient looking script.

I stepped back a little, my head spun with thoughts. I thought back to what Fate said. This was supposed to be important to her. I looked over at her. She seemed to be fully emerged in the whole thing. What had my mom said to her and Alex? There were so many questions I had.

"Molly, what is all this?" I asked. She looked up at me before standing up.

She sighed, "You know I'm going to leave right? This is my way. I'm not leaving this instance, I can't. But it's getting closer to the time. And me and Alex already decided on this."

"I don't understand. What does Alex have to do with all of this?"

"You'll understand soon enough, but don't say anything to Hunter, okay? I don't want this to be a big thing. Once I go, I'm gone. And you have to forget all about me. I'm not sure how this works exactly, but who knows maybe I'll erased from your memory. Whatever happens - you and Alex need to keep calm until I'm gone. Okay?" she said.

I nodded my head. I could feel my crying instead of actually crying. I knew that she would leave, I just didn't want it to happen so soon. Even if she wasn't real - according to this world - she was still my mate and I don't know how I was going to live on if I had to be constantly reminded of her nonexistence.

Molly looked at me and smiled. Wrapping her arms around my neck, I wrapped mine around her waist. We stood there, forehead to forehead. Just staying calm and holding each other.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Why?" she asked.

"You shouldn't be caught up in this mess."

She laughed, "I don't think I had a choice." I laughed with her. One of my hands went up to make her look at me before I gave her one last hard kiss.

"I'm going to miss you."

A/N: and Fate returns with a bit of a bitchy side >.< lol Try to make sense of her now! Well guys we'll be saying our goodbyes to Molly next chapter, and then the real drama begins. THE ROUGES~ much fun! So dramatic! Picture of Damon.

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