Arc Four: Forever

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Jesy scratched her head upon reading the last question on her Science Exam paper. She'd skipped a whole lot of questions throughout the entire exam. She had studied but kept forgetting things. She looked to her side where Leigh was already done and going over her paper. Jesy bet that her friend had gotten a perfect score.  Leigh was just smart like that. Jesy groaned. She'd try to answer this last question. If she didn't she'd probably get a D but if she tried she might bump to a C. Alright then Jes. Let's get that C. That dumb Jake didn't tutor you for nothing.

After the examination everyone was going on about how hard it was before the bell rang for break.

"Did yous find it hard?" Jade asked from behind Jesy and Leigh. When the girls turned around Jade smiled. "I thought it was easy. I bet I got one hundred percent." She boasted.

"The questions were pretty rudimentary to me too." Leigh-Anne said smiling as well. "How about you Jes? How was it? Your Mum told me that you studied real hard."

Jesy bared her teeth and scratched her head. "It was alright I guess." She said.

Jade giggled. "You've said that for all our exams so far."

"We've only done three Jade. I still have a chance to shine." Jesy said with an eyeroll.

"I hope you do. I want Mrs. Thomas to be proud of you Jesy." Leigh-Anne said cheerily.

"Okay children, I have finished marking your Math exam papers from Monday's exam." Mrs. Thomas said as she stood. "I must say that you all did fairly well." When the children rejoiced she clapped her hands to get them to quiet down. "There were no failures but there were students who achieved very high grades." She smiled.

Everyone started whispering wondering who among them could have gotten such high scores.

"Jade Thirlwall achieved a ninety-nine percent." Mrs. Thomas said.

Jade's eyes were wide as the students clapped for her. "I-I could have sworn that I got one hundred." She said in disappointment.

"You must have forgotten to carry the one." Jesy said before laughing her joke.

"Jake Roche also got this grade as well as Cameron and the person who achieved the highest of you all with one hundred perecent was Leigh-Anne Pinnock." Mrs Thomas clapped for all the children listed.

Leigh-Anne felt extremely proud of herself. "Did you hear that Jes? I got a perfect score in Math. I worked so hard and it happened. Yay!" She clapped for herself.

Jesy clapped too. "Great job Leigh. You deserved it." She said.

"Mummy will give you a big kiss Lee-Lee." Leigh heard a boy say at her back. That caused the whole class to laugh.

Leigh-Anne's face felt hot. The kids didn't tease her about that everyday but they made occasional jokes now and then. She'd been trying to ignore it but it still got to her. It didn't help that her mother had called her by her nick-name in front of everyone recently when she'd brought Leigh some new inhalers to class the week before. Everyone was calling her that now.

"Alright settle down." Mrs. Thomas said clapping her hands.

"I-I I carried all of my ones . . . I made sure of it." Jade was mumbling still baffled by her grade. She was aiming for perfect scores on all of her exams this year. She and Perrie were having a contest. She felt like she should redo the test or something. "My life aches." She said dramatically.

Leigh-Anne was pouting when she realized something. "Jesy didn't you say that you thought you failed your Math paper? Miss just said that we all passed. You passed Jes!" She said feeling proud of her friend.

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