Chapter 12

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It was Saturday afternoon and Jesy was bored. She was lying on her back in her bed next to Leigh-Anne. "Are you done yet?" She asked tossing a ball in the air then catching it.

"Jesy I keep saying this, Math takes time. If I want the concepts to stick in my head, I'm going to have to go beyond what the teacher gives for homework. It only makes sense. You should try actually doing your homework." Leigh answered as she finished the last question on multiplication in their text book. "And I'm all done."

Jesy rolled over to her front then sat straight. "Thank the heavens." She said. At first, she'd actually done her homework since Leigh-Anne was staying with her but these days she'd been feeling lazy. "So now we have the whole day to do whatever we want."

Leigh-Anne nodded. "Shall we call Jade and Perrie over to play?" She was now hopping off the bed with her books in hand. She brought them to her school bag then climbed back onto the bed.

Jesy laughed a little. "Didn't I tell you this already? Those two attend a Saturday class that teaches all about Science. Dorks." She snorted. Jade and Perrie were so into academics. It was because of their Mums. Perrie wasn't as smart as Jade but it was really cute how she tried her best at everything to catch up. The blonde was actually exceptional at Science though while Jade lacked in that subject.

"That sounds so fun. What do you think they're learning about?" Leigh-Anne asked looking excited now.

Jesy cringed. "Ew Leigh-Anne really? It's lame not fun." She rolled her eyes.

"It is too fun." Leigh-Anne said with a pout. "Don't roll your eyes Jesy. It's rude."

"Sorry." Jesy apologized. She always tried her best to be polite to Leigh but sometimes her rude side came out as it was sort of her nature to act that way. It didn't help much that Leigh-Anne lived with her now either. This was the way she acted when comfortable. She suddenly perked up then turned a smile to Leigh. "Today would be the perfect opportunity for me to teach you how to ride a bike!" She jumped off her bed. "Come on Leigh-Anne. We're going to the garage."

Leigh-Anne climbed off the bed slowly. "I don't know Jes." She was tapping both her forefingers together in uncertainty.

"What don't you know?" Jesy asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Well it's just that . . . I don't think you'd enjoy teaching me. I-I-"

"You-you what Leigh?" Jesy asked. "If this is about your asthma, I already asked your Mum and doctor at your last check up. They said that it was okay since it's cooled down. As long as we don't travel real long distances.

Leigh-Anne continued playing with her hands. "But I'm a clumsy mess. I'll just keep falling over and you'd have to try to catch me every time. You'd get tired of me."

Jesy giggled a little. "No I won't. Plus, it doesn't require as much co-ordination as you're thinking." She tapped at the side of her head with a finger then smirked with confidence at her friend.

Leigh-Anne frowned then raised a finger. "I believe that bicycle riding has a whole lot to do with co-ordination . . . and balance as well."

Jesy held Leigh's hand. "Come on." She dragged the girl out of the bedroom.


Jesy's mother was not home so she just decided to sneak out. Right now she and Leigh were in her backyard. She was riding her older brother's bike in a circle to demonstrate to Leigh how to do it. Leigh had Jesy's bike. They were both padded with knee pads, elbow pads and helmets.

Leigh-Anne watched Jesy ride with a furrowed brow. "It looks easy but I know it's going to be hard." She whined at the boasting girl. "Stop showing off so much." She huffed before folding her arms.

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