Arc Two: Hero

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November rolled around pretty quick. The weather had gotten a lot colder and Jesy and Leigh-Anne had gotten closer. Every day since Leigh's mother had been admitted to the hospital, Leigh had had to sleep at Jesy's house. That had given them time to get to know each other a little better though Leigh-Anne was still a little reserved. It was not her natural nature but she simply could not help it. Jesy hoped that she'd be able to get her friend out of her shell soon though. Sairah had still not been found but Leigh-Anne's mother had been let out of the hospital. She didn't want Leigh-Anne at the house until the police located her older daughter.

After school on an especially cold day, Jesy told Jake to go home without her and Leigh because she was going to bring Leigh somewhere special.

The two girls walked with Jesy leading the way. They were on an off route in an area that resembled a meadow. The both of them were walking on a rocky path with grass at the sides.

"Jesy are you sure you haven't gotten us lost?" Leigh-Anne asked as she walked behind her friend. She was wearing Jesy's red jacket over her blazer, a red and black beanie given to her by Jesy as well as brown fuzzy boots. She was trying her best to keep warm because her asthma would act up if she got too cold. Right now her illness was pretty much under control. She hadn't used her inhaler in a week. Her doctor had said that it was because she wasn't as worried. Jesy made her feel relaxed.

Jesy smiled to herself. "I haven't. Just keep following alright?" She gave Leigh a thumbs up. Jesy was happy to say the least. Leigh-Anne was practically living with her. It was always so nice to have her in bed with her. Though Leigh-Anne was quiet most of the time the girl was pretty fun to have around. Especially when they played on their Nintendos. It felt nice to have another girl her age in the house. She'd even gotten Leigh-Anne to help her play pranks on her older brother. Leigh-Anne had enjoyed that very much and even staged her own prank on Jesy's brother. Johnny was a good sport so he wasn't too mad. All he did was promise to prank them back. The two of them were still waiting for when he would strike. That made life a little more interesting for them at least, constantly looking out for Johnny.

Jesy suddenly stopped before a large tree. She waved at Leigh-Anne to follow her to sit underneath it. When both girls were seated Jesy smiled at Leigh-Anne. "Ta-da! I've picked out our very own super, secret spot!" She exclaimed. "Do you like it?"

Leigh-Anne was marveling at the tree. "Like it? I love it!" She squealed. Her eyes looked shyly into her lap. "I've always wanted to have a secret hide out with a friend." She looked back up at Jesy who was blushing. Leigh-Anne giggled. Jesy did that often.

Jesy felt high. "Well this is ours." She picked up her lunch bag and pulled out some fruits she'd packed. "I would have put more candy but you're always going on about how healthy fruits are so . . ." She placed the food in the middle of where they were sat. "Bon apetite."

Leigh-Anne smiled as she picked up a pineapple slice. "I'm glad I'm getting you to eat healthy." She giggled. "Your Mum said that you'd never ate fruits willingly before I came around." She said this shyly.

Jesy blushed again. It was so embarrassing how her mother always told Leigh-Anne certain things about her that she didn't want the other girl to know. Her mother was making Leigh think she was changing for her which hinted that Jesy may really have a little crush. She hoped Leigh didn't find her weird. It seemed the other girl didn't suspect anything. Obviously not, I mean, I don't have a crush. "Yeah well . . . fruits aren't so bad." She bit into an apple.

Leigh took another slice as she laughed. "Most candies are  indeed flavoured from fruits after all. Right?"

Jesy laughed too and enjoyed the sight of a dimple which showed in Leigh's cheek with the way she tried to laugh with her mouth closed. "That's cute." She said still looking at the dimple.

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