Chapter 26

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Jesy tapped her fingers on her desk boredly. She hated detention with a passion. "At least it's my last day here." She smiled to herself. It was Wednesday. Leigh had not come to school the day before but the girl had come today. No one had teased her and Jesy felt happy. They all seemed afraid to even get too close to Leigh. Leigh-Anne thought they hated her but Jesy called it having respect.

She yawned as the clock ticked. She had a whole thirty minutes left to go. She put her head on the desk. "Please let this be over sooooon." She moaned.

"Pssst. Hey Jesy!" Jesy heard a voice say at the doorway. She sat up and looked there only to see Jake. He was holding a piece of paper in hand. The boy beckoned at her to come.

Jesy looked at the desk where the teacher who was supposed to be keeping watch over her sat. The man was fast asleep. She smirked then ran out of the classroom to meet Jake. "This is the first time I've been glad to see you Lover boy."

Jake rolled his eyes. "I came to your rescue I guess." He opened up the paper he held. "Leigh's sister was just here. She gave me this address and told me to come get you. I think she's waiting at that spot for us."

Jesy grinned. "Nice. I feel like this is the spot for an epic heist. That girl may be weird but she looks as if she knows how to do a heist right. She also knows how to kiss." She mumbled the last part.

"Kiss? Did she kiss you?" Jake asked as he and Jesy began to walk off. Jesy stopped and ran inside to get her bag then came back. They continued walking.

Jesy blushed. "Maybe . . . and I might have liked it too . . ." She mumbled staring at the paper.

Jake blushed too. "Seems everyone is trying to steal you from me." He groaned. "I wouldn't mind if she kissed me though . . . I don't know . . . when I think of her, weird things happen."

Jesy started snickering. "You got a boner didn't you Jakey boy?" She patted his back fondly.

Jake looked embarrassed. "Yeah . . . it was weird." He liked that he could talk to Jesy about this kind of stuff. They shared all of the awkward things going on in their bodies with each other. They were just that close. Not that there was much to talk about on that topic. They were only ten after all.

The two children walked out the school gate while discussing where exactly they were going. "So it's behind that bakery a few miles from here. It's gonna take a while for us to get there on foot." Jake was saying.

"I brought my bike but we can't ride together." Jesy said as they both stood outside the gate where her bike was parked.

Jake smiled. "You could ride and I could run." He suggested with a chuckle.

"You're really dumb. You'd never be able to keep up." Jesy said with an eye roll. "We'll both walk." It'd take them a while but this seemed important.

When they both reached their destination, they were panting. They were outside of a shed like place behind a bakery. "Where the hell are we?" Jake asked staring at the massive old house thingy. He gulped. "Jesy what if this is a set up and she wants to kill us here?" He asked looking down at the panting Jesy.

Jesy stood straight. "Oh please. Everyone would know it was her. She's not dumb enough to get herself in trouble." She started walking into the place.

Jake followed her quickly then gasped on reaching in. The inside didn't match the outside. This place was all white and had small air crafts lined up. "Okay this is the coolest thing I've seen." The boy ran up to one of the planes and stroked it's shiny metal.

Jesy was looking around for Sairah. "Where could she be?"

"Boo." Someone said from behind Jesy.

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