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The woman chuckles at the sight of the girl and boy dancing.

"Enjoy while you can young, Vela. You Won't be with him for long."

Then she disappeared within the shadows.


"What would possess you to come to me this late in the night, Cierra?"

Cierra stays on her knees with her head down, "I apologize for disrupting your rest, Master Keir, but I have come to tell you good news."

"Good news you say? Please do tell." The master leans closer while seated in interest.

"I believe I have found Vela's location. She is being kept within the castle walls of Clarines, but she has a guard."

"The guard is only a minor complication. You have done well, Cierra. You will be rewarded handsomely," Master Keir's voice was filled with excitement. All his plans had taken a turn for the better.

"Your discovery will solve a multitude of problems."


You guys know that song by Jesse Ruben? This Is Why I Need You? Yeah I love that song.

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