Sob Story

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I lay back on my pillows and toy with the collar of my tunic, "Well I don't remember much about my mother except for her eyes and voice. Her eyes were a beautiful gray, very rare for a Mauranian. I got my brown eyes from my father. My mother's voice was soft and sweet."

I smile at the memory, "Whenever she sang everyone would stop to listen. Even the gruffest soldiers of Maura. Or so my father and brother would tell me."

"She died when I was four. A year after I had been born she grew sick to the point she couldn't leave her own house. My father did his best to raise my brother and me on his own. He taught me to make things and my brother to fight." I laugh bitterly, "By Mauranian standards, I'm a hopeless fighter. I paid for that everyday, but when our 'king' heard of my talent with making things I fell into his favor. My brother did as well."

"We were taken from our father because of how gifted we were. My brother, Keane, became an Elite in Maura, and I became the 'king's' Master Weapons Maker."

I close my eyes replaying the memory. Father had been trying to get to us but was beat down. Keane had gone limp with shock. I had been too small to do anything and was dragged away screaming and kicking. That was when my hate for Master Keir had first blossomed.

I open my eyes again, "I was only twelve at the time. Keane was sixteen." "I was his loyal pet for six years. For six years I was locked in a dark room making whatever he needed; only allowed to come out if I would partake in tracking. Which I rarely ever did."

"Then one day I refuse his request and here I am now."

I glance over at Obi. He's staring at me.

"I hadn't realized. When I laughed when you said you'd been planning to run for a long time. I didn't realize how bad you had it."

I shake my head, "It wasn't like I wasn't expecting that reaction. I honestly don't know why it affected me so much."

"Now then," I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, "do you feel like telling me now?"

Obi looks at me and sighs, "You'll make me feel guilty if I don't say anything after you told me all that."

I still haven't told you everything.

He props one leg up and drapes an arm over it, "My story is pretty simple actually. One day when I was walking to my parents bakery I sensed something was off. I get to the bakery and the door was partially open which was odd. My parents always had the door wide open."

Don't tell me.

Obi let's his head lean on my bedpost, "I walk in and see them both dead. Blood had pooled around both of their bodies. A man stood over them; shadows surrounded him."

Obi puts his hand up to a scar on his forehead, "This was a memento from my parents killer. He had warned me about going against superiors. I never forgot."

I sit there speechless. It had to have been awful to walk into a room to find your parents dead. At least I hadn't witnessed my own parents death.

"How old were you?" My voice is soft; I hadn't wanted to ask that question.



"I don't know what to say."

He laughs, "As long as it's not sorry, you can say anything you want."

I look down at my sheets, "But I am sorry. I'm sorry for making you tell me. I know it's no fun to relive memories like that."

"Well that's why I did it. You relived bad memories just so I could tell you mine. An eye for an eye."

I look out the window. It was getting closer to the new moon.

"Did your mother sing that lullaby to you?"

I blink and look at him, "The song I was singing when I was getting stitches?"

He shakes his head, "No, the one you sang to your horse."

He saw that?

"Oh um, no. My father would sing that song to me. It's a lullaby all Mauranians know. It's about the moon's sacrifice for us. Of course I don't believe in that, but it has a nice sound to it."

"I see," Obi stands, "it's getting late."

"It is."

For some reason I don't want him to leave. I just want him to stay and talk. It was the first time we had spoken and he hadn't gotten aggravated at me for no reason.

The little device on my desk catches Obi's eye. He walks over to it, "What's this?"

I stand and walk over to him, "My version of a firefly."

I take the little trinket from him and twist the key in it's side. The end starts to flicker on and off and the little guy walks on the desk when I put him down.

"You made that?"

I nod and smile, "I did."

"Have you ever seen a firefly?"

"Well, no."

"Really?" He leans down to inspect it closer, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was witchery."

I chuckle, "Yeah, right."

He looks up at me laughing and smiles softly. The first real smile I had gotten from him.

It quickly disappears, "I should get going."

"Of course."

My eyes follow him to the door, "Good night."

"'Night," I respond.

He closes the door quietly on his way out.

I blow out all the candles in the room and climb into bed.

My mind stays awake a while longer.

It made sense why Obi had hated me before. He took that one Mauranian's actions and held me to that standard. Unfortunately most Mauranians were like that.

I smile softly to myself. It had taken some painful memories, but Obi had opened up to me. I could already tell he was changing his opinion about me.

I wonder how Zen even got him to become my escort. Obi had made it fairly clear in the beginning he had wanted nothing to do with me.

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