part 22

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We drove to the airport in his purple challenger. He drove a bit fast but I liked it.

We got to the airport and he pulled up infront of two older people who pit their bags in the trunk.

I got out to sit in the back seat because that is what is polite, you always allow the older people in front.

I managed to do it without them seeing me because I really didn't want to hug anyone.

I saw the man get into the front and the woman sit in back with me.

Logan then started to drive.

"Logan, it's been so long. Is this your new assistant? I saw you announced her as your daughter on the vlogs. That's so funny." She said.

"No mom, I've been waiting to tell you this, but I adopted her." He said. "You are now grandma paul" her fave had pure shock before it was excitement.

"Oh my goodness I have a granddaughter! I can't wait for Christmas and your birthday and all the other good things where I get to spoil you!" She practically yelled.

"Nope, I'm gonna spoil her more, we're gonna ride fourwheelers and all that good stuff!" Yelled who I assume is Logan's dad.

I laughed and grandma paul hugged me so tight I thought I was gonna break something.


We later arrived at Logan's house after my new grandparents had an argument over who was gonna spoil me more.

Neither ended up winning because me and logan stopped them by throwing plates.

Ms.paul jumped out of surprised and mr.paul just laughed.

"So I think we should go get icecream" said Logan's mom.

"I think we should go get a whole cake. " said his dad.

I have a feeling this is going to start another spoiling argument.

Finally Logan said "how about we have dinner first" because it was only 5.

We all laughed at it and I gave logan a privet wink for getting me out of that.

He just smiled back.

Me and his mother decided that we would make dinner together as a sort of bonding thing.

We were talking as I stirred the pot full of pasta because we were making Alfredo.

"So, did you hear about that murder in Salem? Crazy to think that you guys were only a little over a mile away from it." She said.

"Yeah, so crazy. So I hear you live in ohio?" I tried to change the subject.

"Yeah, we live in the exact opposite place as this, we live more in the countryside." She told me.

Wow, logan wasn't always a city boy I guess.

A few minutes later we had dinner done and all the plates made.

We called in the boys to dinner.

We all day down at Logan's kitchen table and had a nice talk.

We talked about the new disney show and then the one conversation both me and logan were avoiding came up.

"I think we should have dinner with Jake one night, you know, as a family" suggested Logan's dad.

"That would be so nice, just one dinner without logan and Jake pranking eachother too." Said his mom.

"Um, I'll try and see if I can get ahold of Jake for one night." Said logan.

"No no, I'm going over tommorow evening so I can just ask him myself." Said his mom.

"No, mom, really, it's fine, I'll get ahold of him tonight" said logan, he was clearly trying to make sure it didn't happen or that Jake would behave himself completely.

"Okay logan" she replied.

After dinner we went out and decided to do something fun. We decided that we would go to a trampoline park for just a couple hours.


That was tons of fun but after that I was exhausted.

We went back home and I said goodnight to everybody and went off to my room.

I was just about to have my head hit the pillow as I heard an argument from the living room.

"Logan, what in the world were you thinking" said his mom. "You can barely take care of yourself what made you think you could take care of a child?"

"Well first of all, she was getting abused in the home that she was in, she then got mentally abused at the adoption facility, then her uncle tried to kill her." He said "I figured I could do a better job then those people." He said in a stern tone.

"Well I don't think it's best if you keep her, I think you need to send her back with us." She replied.

"Pamela" said his dad "I don't think that's best, I think it's better for both of them, it's helping logan grow up and it's providing a better home for the girl" he said.

"But he's still young, he's still gonna make mistakes" she said.

"Everybody makes mistakes, even you mom." Said logan.

"Yes but I don't think it's good for her with all this publicity at such a young age, you saw how that changed jake." She said.

"Yes but she already has a thing with Disney, she already has a chance at a great life in LA" replied logan.

"How about in the morning we talk to her and ask her what she wants to do okay? If she wants to come with us back to Ohio or if she wants to stay here?" She said.

"Mom, you can't take her away from me, she brings me so much joy and happiness, and I do to her to. We've already bonded and we already love each other. I act like an older brother to her and that's what she needs, she needs somebody who shows how protective they are and how they will keep her safe." Said logan. Ms.paul seemed stunned at how adult like logan was handling this.

"Fine, I guess she can stay. You are twenty two and many people have children at this age. I guess I overreacted, I'm sorry" she finally agreed.

After that I fell asleep because my eyes were already dropping throughout the conversation.

logan pauls adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now