part 11

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When we started driving I realized it was chance holding me and he was now taking off my shoulder pads.

"Oh you guys just wait until logan finds us, I can't wait to see what he will do to you." I muttered.

"Logan won't catch us. Besides, if he does, we have all of team 10 on our side." Jake told me.

"Can we st least meet up with Tessa then? She's chill and a lot better than you people." I tell them.

"I wish but she's busy helping with logan, he's a big dude you know." He told me. He then turned on an iPad on the car that was connected to a hot spot.

"This is connected to the security cameras inside the house so we can watch what's going down and you can see us bring down logan." Chance says.

"Or we can see him beat everybody and run to his car to find you." I retort.

"Just shut up and watch." Jake tells us.

I watch the screen, all the white has cleared and I see logan being tackled my the rest of team 10. I then see the the stack of people start to rise as logan is able to at least sit up with all of them attacking. I then see the twins go and grab some tape.

Before they can get to him he bursts through the crowd of people and pushes them all off and he looks around before yelling "Doreen! Where are you?" He keeps yelling over and over before Nick laughs.

"Chance and jake took her, she's already gone, now we just need to get you." He laughs.

"Oh fuck off" he yells before managing to pick up a twin above his head and say "if you don't back up he's getting body slammed to the ground." As he slowly backed up.

He finally got to the door and they switched cameras to see him outside running to his car and setting the twin down before getting in and speeding off before the rest of the team can get him.

Then chance turned off the screen.

"Oh. Looks like the beast has gotten it's way" I told them and smiled.

"But he still can't find us." Jake told me.

"He can if he calls in backup, he can have mark, george, ayla, evan, Johannes, brendon, and more searching the town for you." I spit.

"She's got a point Jake, we need to hide." Chance told him.

"Fine" Jake told him as he pulled into a nearby parking garage.

He went down to the basement level before parking, it was crowded and he was at the very back.

Before we came in I saw the name drug street on a billboard nearby. I then remembered I had my phone in my pocket.

Chance got out along with Jake and they left me in the car by myself as they sat on the hood and talked.

I called logan.

"Hey, I'm comming for you. Any idea where you are?" He told me in a rushed tone.

"I saw a billboard that said drug street right next to the parking garage where in" i whispered "they don't know I'm talking to you and they're just sitting on the hood of the car talking." I told him.

"Okay that's good, what level?" He asked.

"The bottom one, and go on mute so we can't hear you because they're comming back and you'll be able to hear them." I told him.

I put the phone back in my pocket with the speaker facing out.

Once I saw them in a started to open the door without them noticing because they weren't looking. Once the door was open I started to run.

"Damnit chance, let's go" I heard Jake say.

I was running when I felt a tug on my arm. Then I felt it grasp my other and stop me.

"Come on, you honestly thought you could get away from us?" Jake told me. I could tell he was the one holding me from where his voice came from.

"Well I was just hoping for a chance." I said before just dropping, forcing him to carry all of my weight. If I was going down I was gonna make it harder on them.

"Why were you looking for a Chance? I'm right here?" He laughed at his own joke.

"Because I was looking for a good chance." I told him viciously.

"Ouch" he told me before Jake took me back to the car and they started to tie me up so I couldn't run again.

As they were tying me up they saw the bump in my pocket of my phone, I turned the screen off so they thought I didn't do anything when they took the phone.

"Wow, she didn't even seem to try to do anything with her phone." Jake said surprised.

"Yeah. That's weird" chance said back as they both looked at me.

My mouth was taped shut so all I could do was give them the stink eye.

Then I saw a flash of purple enter the garage as they were looking back at me so they didn't see it. I maintained my face so they couldn't tell anything was happening.

Then I saw the car park a little ways a way but they still didn't notice.

He ducked behind cars as he made his way over here and I saw him right at my door as chance and jake were looking at their phones.

He quickly went to Jake's, opened it, and threw him on the ground in a playful way before chance hopped out to help Jake. As chance was helping Jake up logan grabbed me and started running.

He shoved me in the passenger seat and jumping in the driver's side.

"Twice in one week" he told me as he started to drive away.

"They still have my phone, I don't need it, it has a lock, but we can listen to their conversation if you still have yours on the call." I told him.

He just smirked and held up his phone to turn the volume up.

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