part 7

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Logan immediately let go as he realized I flinched at the hug.

He could see I was holding back tears and said to me "it's okay to cry infront of me. I won't judge you, you have a very valid reason." He told me as I could see the tears well up in his own eyes.

At those final words he broke me, I started to cry and cry and cry. I couldn't stop, I couldn't even get out a word. As I did I just grabbed onto logan and hugged him back and didn't let go as he held me close.

He kept whispering in my ear "it's okay sweetheart, it's over now, no need to worry, it's gonna be okay" and that made me cry harder because nobody really comforted me like that.

We were there for hours and hours before he carried me to my bed and went to sit in the chair in the corner because he thought I was asleep. I heard him speaking to himself as he cried. "Why? Why must she be so broken? Why couldn't she have had a better life? I love her, she's my daughter. I need to find him. He's gonna pay" he kept talking and talking but I fell asleep fully now.

In my dream (trigger warning, rape)

"H-help" I tried to say, but he put his hand over my mouth. I tried to kick and punch but I was only 6 and he was a grown man.

"Shut the fuck up or else I'm gonna punish you worse" he said as he pulled down his pants. "You tell anybody and I'll kill you"

I just cried and cried. I couldn't do anything, he took off my pants and went straight into me. I couldn't stop him. I cried and cried and finally he pulled out but I knew we weren't finished. He turned me around and shoved it down my throat. Making me puke.

End of dream

I woke up to hear screaming, only to realize it was my own. I opened my eyes to see logan already by my side in the chair he was in before, already trying to comfort me.

"Shhhhh, it's okay, I have you now, I'll protect you. I'll keep you sage from harm. It's gonna be okay" he said in soft soothing voices.

I sobbed into his chest. Not able to contain myself as held on to his arms. I looked over at the clock as I still had tears dripping and it read 4:50 am. It was still early yet to late for logan to still be here.

I tried to stay strong and stop crying, I was in a better place now. I pulled away and wiped off my tears. He needs to go to bed.

I looked up at him and said "thank you, but you need to take care of yourself, go get some sleep"

"Im not leaving this room tonight, I don't wanna leave you alone in your time of need" he told me "and don't you worry your pretty little head over me, I fell asleep in the chair." He told me.

I looked up and I could see the bags under his eyes, he did not sleep in the chair, he didn't sleep at all.

"I'm gonna go get a glass of water" I said as I got up from my bed.

"No, I'll get it for you. You need to relax, it's only about 5 am." He told me. But I was stubborn.

"No, that's what time I had to get up at the house, I can get it, I'm still kinda on that sleep schedule." I told him as I got up. He tried to stop me but I ran and I was faster than him.

I ran out to the kitchen to see the dining table full of papers that weren't there before, and on one of them, I could see my uncle's face... with a red x over it.

Logan was only a few seconds behind and stood infront of the table with a worried expression. He was planning on killing my uncle. But I can't let him do that, I wanted to do that.

"Logan? What are all those papers?" I ask, knowing damn well what they are.

"Well, I need to do some paperwork for a friend of mine." He tells me. I the  look over and see the computer left open, I walk over and he tried to take it away but i grabbed it and ran to my room and lock the door.

I look at the screen and it has the address of my uncle, i take a picture with my phone for when I'm gonna need it for myself later.

I then look at the other tab he had open and see it was his email. I read through them and realized the other man was a hitman. Then I read through the emails, he wasn't hiring the hitman, he just wanted his address so he could kill him, himself.

Nope, that's what I'm gonna do. I heard logan knock on the door "Doreen, I don't appreciate you doing this" he told me in an angered voice. I wasn't scared of him, all those years have done nothing but make me stronger.

"I don't appreciate you doing this behind my back" i snapped back, in the meanest tone I could. I never really said stuff like that to people, I always just followed the rules, but this really angered me, and I practically turn into the hulk when I'm that angry.

"I'm sorry, Okay? Can we just talk this out?" He asked me. Trying to use a softer tone this time.

"Fine" I said as I opened the door, he walked in and sat on the edge of my bed so we would be closer to the same height. He really was trying to help.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just wanna protect you and hearing this made me to mad for words." He told me "I just wanted to make sure you never see him again...ever"

"Logan, the reason I'm so mad, is because I wanted to do this myself. I realize that's messed up in the head, I do. But, that's just what I want to do, I want to make him suffer like he did to me." I plead.

"Well I don't want you in that kind of trouble, Okay? I also want to protect your brothers and sisters, they still live with him and I have a feeling they might be doing just as bad as you." He tells me.

"I want to visit them, logan. They live in Wisconsin. That small town you were going to is where they live, that's why I was so enthusiastic to go." It's true, I wanted to go to see my brothers and sisters. But I also had a blood lust for my uncle.

"Okay, well. We go there in a week, I'll get ahold of your uncle and see if you can talk to your siblings. In the meantime, you need to get some rest. You've been tossing and turning all night." He tells me as he slowly gets up and grabs his laptop.

"I will once you make me a promise" I tell him "no. Killing. My. Uncle."

"I promise" he tells me as he closes the door behind him.

logan pauls adopted daughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang