part 4

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Ayla then grabs my hand and pulls me out from behind the stairs. As soon as she does Jake gasps.

"Logan! She's beautiful!" Jake yells. That triggers some other people from the house to come down and soon all of them are downstairs with us.

"Yes guys, this is my new daughter but would you please stop crouding her? She needs personal space." Says logan.

Jake then yells "I have a niece! I'm gonna be the coolest uncle ever!" Then he pauses for a second and says "wait...logang or Jake paulers?" He has a worried look on his face.

"Sorry Jake, but I'm in the...logang." I tell him. I see logan get a huge grin on his face.

"QUICK, TEAM 10, WE MUST WIN HER OVER!" Yells Jake. Then I see what seems to be two Spanish twins running upstairs and they soon return with a pink camo shirt.

"Okay, Doreen, I'll give you this free camo shirt if you join the Jake paulers" Jake tells me.

"Sorry but I'm not a huge fan of pink" I tell him. "Jake, logan is my adoptive father and it's gonna be kinda hard to convince me to join you"

Jake looks down in defeat and walks over to logan and says "you've won this round, brother, but don't be surprised if I win the next one." And logan just laughs before yelling goodbye and I LOVE you to Jake as we head out the door.

We get in the car and logan looks at me and says "yay, we finally got him. Good job Doreen, you did well. But do you seriously not like pink?" He asks adding the question at the end.

"Yeah I don't know why but I've never really been a fan of the color, I didn't lie. I told the truth so he can't even say that you told me to not take it." I tell logan. He just smiles as ayla starts the car and we drive to the mall.


After the mall, we went back home so ayla could help me organize my closet, we had gotten tons of clothes and shoes. Way more than I've ever had. It was magical.

Of course I had a special section in my closet for merch from logan. But organizing took hours and it was almost dark by the time we finished.

Me and ayla went out to the living room to see what logan was up to and he was vlogging and handed me a plate as he also held a plate.

He then threw the plate down as ayla jumped and I soon followed in his footsteps to do the same thing, both of us smiling and I could tell ayla was having a hard time trying to keep a straight face.


After we ate dinner, ayla went home, it was just me and logan again, he had a serious look on his face. "Is something bothering you?" I ask logan.

"Um, yeah, actually. There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while" he tells me "do you ever want to talk about your past?" He asks.

I sit there with a blank expression for a few seconds before saying "it depends on the parts you want to know?"

"Well um. I just wanted to know why you might not be happy? Like, th eres something more than just what happened to you parents, maybe?" He asks me.

Well he's not wrong there I guess, but I lie, it's what I'm good at. "No, nothing else really happened." I tell him as I look at the floor.

"Doreen, you know you can tell me right? You can tell me Anything? You know I'll protect you?" I ask her.

I start to get tears in my eyes but push them back, nobody must see me cry. "That's what the others said" I tell him as I get up to go into the kitchen.

That's what my uncle said before he touched me, that's what my best friend said before she stabbed me in the back, that's what my grandpa said before he kicked me and my parents out for not providing enough money to stay at the house. That's what they all said, that voice echoes in my head of all if them telling me that, after a while it gets hard to believe when somebody says that.

I start to feel uneasy, my lungs feel like they are collapsing. I'm gasping for air and I feel a big pressure around me and open my eyes, it's logan, he's holding me in a big hug. It's comforting, maybe this time the words will keep their promise.

My hands uncover my ewra as they reach around logan, hugging him back, we sit there like that for a while. I look at the clock and see we've been sitting like this for an hour, I slowly let go and take my arms back. He does the same.

We look into eachothers eyes, I see a tint of pain in his, like it hurts him that I'm broken.

He says to me "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I'm not gonna be full of broken promises. If I promise something to you, you better know damn well I'm gonna keep it." He tells me.

"Okay" I say as he takes my hand and tries to help me get up, but I can't get up, my body doesn't want to move from the corner. Finally after that he gives up and just picks me up and carries me to my bed. He kisses my forehead and whispers a quick I love you before leaving and closing my door.

After he leaves I don't fall asleep for hours, I lay there thinking about the past, a dangerous thing to do. Finally I go and get the blade I took from the kitchen and start to put it up to my skin, slowly dragging over and over. The sensation brings me joy. My thigh is now covered in crimson, my favorite color.

logan pauls adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now