part 10

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When we finally got back to the apartment, ayla got in her car because she had somewhere to go.

We walked up and walked in the door to find another man that logan called Johannes. "MY BOIIII!" He yelled.

"Hey logan, you texted me and when I got here nobody was home so I figured I'd wait for you." He said.

"Well that's nice, but it's all done now, we went to the team 10 house because Doreen was kidnapped by George and we needed to get her back but we managed." He told him.

"Who is doreen?" He asked, then he looked over and saw me peeking out, mostly covered by mark and logan.

I was right inbetween the and they were pretty close together so I wasn't really that noticeable.

Mark and logan both stepped to the sides and me a Johannes shook hands.

"This is my adopted daughter." Stated logan proudly.

"Welcome to the crazy family" Johannes told me. "So did you just give her the extra room then?" He asked.

"Yeah, she decorated it herself" logan stated.

"Coolio, so now that everyone is here, wanna go grab something to eat?" Johannes asked. "Maybe talk a little more to Doreen since we all just met."


We all arive at a restaurant, we decided on olive garden.

We get out of the cars and walk into the restaurant. "Table for 6 please." Logan said.

"Yes sir, follow me right this way" the lady said. "Should this do?" She asked as she gestured to a giant booth.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." He said as we all day down. There were three people on each side. Me, Evan, and logan on one side, then Johannes, brendon, and mark on the other side in that order.

Evan looked at me and said "no short jokes. Alright? Logan makes enough for two people." He then laughed afterwords.

Logan was holding back a smile before he said "Yeah, he has quite a... short temper" and evan hit him a few times.

I was trying so hard to keep a straight face as the rest of the table was too. Evan finally stopped and tried to keep his temper under control.

Mark quickly tried to change the subject "So, doreen, what are some of your hobbies?" He asked me.

"Um, well, I like to read and play piano." I told him in a shy voice. I'm not really a people person, I have to get to know people before I can have a good conversation.

"Wow, logan, she is the opposite of you and that's amazing." Mark said before looking at me. "You need to run off on him a bit." He laughed.

"Yeah, this is my new little piano prodigy" George said.

"But dude, you said you would never teach me?" Asked Johannes.

"Well that's because she already knows how to play in just gonna make her better and you have the worst rhythm I've ever seen" he told him. The whole table just laughed again.

I like Logan's friends, they seem nice.


Later that night after everybody left it was just me, evan, and logan sitting on the couch. Evan looked at me and said "why in the world did you agree to go home with logan?" He asked me.

"Well he's sure as heck a lot nicer than anybody else I've lived with. Besides, it's everybody's dream at a house like that to be adopted." I told him.

"Speaking of houses like that, I never got a chance to ask you about that one lady I spoke to. Was she really as nice as she seemed? I could see small cracks in her act." Logan said.

"Well she tended to be a bit harsh on us. She also didn't use very polite words either." I told him. "Now it's my turn to ask a question. Why did you want to adopt a daughter? Especially of this certain age?" I asked him.

"Well first of all I wanted one to protect and love, I tend to get lonely and I didn't see myself getting a girlfriend for a long time. I also wanted somebody to remind me that i have to start adulting soon" he told me. "And I wanted somebody your age because I know at that age you don't really have a good chance of getting adopted, and it seems like girls that age need all the help they can get because let's face it, it's not fun to be that age." He finished

"Well I'm glad you had that thought process" I smiled.

"Alright you two, I'm heading off to bed, dwarfs need beauty sleep too" Evan told us as he got up from the couch.

"Goodnight evan" me and logan said in unison.

It was about midnight right now and I wasn't even close to tired.

"Hey, I have an idea, let's prank jake." Logan told me.

"Sure, but how?" I asked him.

"Well I was thinking we run in with train horns and fire extinguishers." He told me.

"Agreed" I smiled.

"Well then I already have both those things." He told me as he got up to go over to the hallway closet.

He dug around for a few seconds before pulling out those two things and then grabbing shoulder pads for me so if they try to kidnap me again I can just ram into them.


We got there and logan had his train horn in his left and fire extinguisher in his right, as did I too.

We walked up to the door and he slowly opened it to see team 10 on the couch facing the other way. He then looked at me and whispered to three before we ran in blowing train horns and spraying everybody with fire extinguishers.

"Oh god, team 10, go!" Jake yelled as they all came running at us. Jake quickly saw me in my shoulder pads.

I looked him in the eyes and started running towards him with the extinguisher.

Before I could reach him I felt somebody grab me from behind. They knocked my train horn and fire extinguisher down to the ground and picked me up.

I saw a flash of blond hair through all the white and I knew it wasn't logan holding me so I started flailing around. I then saw Jake running up to us and they took me outside and put me in the car before starting to drive.

logan pauls adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now