"No, but it will be." He smirked, pulling out a piece of paper "'On Friday at 4:05 in the morning, Hayden Susanna--'"

He was cut off as the Gilmore girl snatched it from his grasp, her eyes raking over the invitation "Oh God. I should've seen this coming."

A wide eyed Rory ran towards them, a crumpled invitation in her hands "Have you seen? It's horrible!" She turned to Tristan "You! Who else got these?"

"I don't know." He shrugged "Everyone in our class, I think."

Rory paled "I have to go."

"See you Friday!" Tristan snickered as the girl ran away before turning to Hayden, raising an eyebrow as he watched her glare at the invitation "Unless you've suddenly developed laser vision, I don't think it's gonna burst into flames like you want."

Hayden whimpered, pressing her head against her locker "This sucks. Emily and Richard Gilmore, suck."

"All adults do." He rubbed her back with a chuckle before tucking a stand of hair behind her ear "Come on, birthday girl, they have ice-cream in the cafeteria today."

Hayden hesitated before reluctantly pulling away "Fine, but I want two scoops."

Tristan smirked as he tossed an arm around her shoulder, Hayden hesitating before deciding to let him keep it there as he lead her down the hall "You can have mine."

LUKE couldn't help it, how his eyes followed Lorelai Gilmore whenever she was around. And because he'd watched her so much, paid close attention, he knew by the expression on her face as she clutched onto a garment bag that she was looking for her daughters "They're not here yet."

Lorelai smiled as she took a seat at the counter "All right. You'll have to entertain me until they arrive. Okay, Burger Boy, dance."

Luke met her gaze "Will you marry me?"

Her face dropped in shock "What?"

He held back a smirk "Just looking for something to shut you up."

Lorelai's eyes narrowed "You better be nice to me or I'm not inviting you to Rory and Hayden Gilmore's birthday celebration this Saturday night."

"You don't have to ask me, you know."

"I know. But I would like you to come." She told him "The girls too, especially Hayden."

Luke's heart warmed, lips twitching up into a soft smile "Yeah?"

She returned the expression "Yeah."

Luke cleared his throat as he flattened out his expression "Okay, I'll see."

"7:00. Don't be late!" She called to him as he headed into the kitchen before spotting her daughters walking in, Rory with in with her head down and face drawn into a frown while Hayden scowled "Wow. Nice faces you got on there."

"Coffee." Rory pleaded with a sigh as she slipped onto a stool beside her mother.

"Lots and lots of coffee." Hayden grumbled, heading behind the counter to serve herself.

GOLDEN ☕️ GILMORE GIRLSWhere stories live. Discover now