Chapter 31: Desperate At Dusk

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It's riduculous how crazy you can get when you're worried about someone. The thoughts are long and endless, the time is intimidating, and the anxiety is poignant.

This was how Libby and Joe were as they remained seated in their chairs, watching the clock's dark hands. Tick, tock Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

"I can't take this anymore," Libby said in frustration, shooting up from her chair. "We've got to to find her, Joe!" Joe glanced over at her, then despairingly got up from his seat.

"Okay. Come on, let's go," he told her.

The couple dashed out of the door and into the dark of the night. They weren't afraid though, because they had faced Slender Man many times before and they were used to the forest by now. Libby and Joe split up, panting as they ran around in the thick forest, past gnarled branches and little stones. The trees were barely visible; teeny specks of stars were in the sky, but those were barely visible as well.

Joe prodded through the bushes and combed through trees.

Libby examined behind boulders and stared above her surroundings.

Finally, the couple met each other back at the house after sustained moments of searching.

"She's not here, Joe. Where on earth could this foolish girl be?" Libby spoke breathlessly.

"There's not many places where you could find Slender Man around town, besides Slender Forest," Joe noted, raising an eyebrow. "There's an old hospice or sanatorium, this isolated mine, an abandoned elementary school..."

"Wait - did you say mine?"


"I think she's headed there. There's not much at the other locations, but there are some huge events and proxies connected with Slender Man at that mine," Libby told her husband. "What's it called?"

Joe pondered for a while, leaning against the wall of their house.

"Uh, Kullman Mine, I believe?"

"YES! That's it! Come on, quick, let's go find her," Libby urged, yanking Joe's arm. They hurried to their car. Libby had a huge instinct that Braison was at that mine, and she was thrilled that she knew. What lurked through her mind that made he stomach churn was the fact that what was happening to Braison at the moment. Although she didn't know exactly what it was, she hoped Braison was alright.


Silence. Menacing growls. Silence again.

Braison lay on the cold and dusty floor in the mine. She had probably fainted. Slowly, Braison fluttered one eyelid open. Blackness. Then, the other eyelid. More blackness.

I was probably just seeing hallucinations Braison thought. After all, losing Gunner has made me a bit weird She winced when she thought of the name of her deceased brother. Okay, okay, Braison, stand up. It's okay. No one's gonna hurt you. Braison believed that if she tried soothing herself, maybe things would really be just fine. She scraped her leg along the floor, and sighed of relief when she didn't feel a finger on her foot.

Braison leaned on her elbows, her every movement cautious and shaky. She lifted herself off the ground and brushed dust off of her coat. Gosh, it's cold and I'm tired! Braison thought, her eyes nearly shutting themselves to sleep. She shook her head, trying to wake up.


Braison spun around without thinking about it to get the surprise of her life. The Chaser stood right in front of her, looking hideous and dreary and cold-blooded.

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