Chapter 28: A Visit to The Couple

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The air was growing thinner and the sky was turning grayer. Braison briskly walked to Libby and Joe's house, forcing herself to move with each excruciating step. Thoughts of Slender Man and her dead brother jammed into her brain as she blinked.

Slender Man had caused a large situation, but Braison didn't care that she was getting embroiled into this mess. She never knew what she was doing anymore. All she knew was that she wanted to kill Slender Man slowly and painfully. The idea of that put a teeny smile on Braison's pale face. At last, the little house appeared in front of her eyes. It was Libby and Joe's house. Braison hurried to the door, and then knocked weakly. Her hands felt like brittle twigs. The couple heard the knock and swung the door open. They forced a smile onto their faces as they saw the dull and tired face of the girl in front of them. She would never be the same again.

"Braison...what brings you here?" Libby asked (it was typical that she was the one speaking first). Joe stood still, observing Braison.

"Look, I have some questions to ask you," Braison told the couple, her words sounding strained with each word that came out of her mouth. She was dogged. Libby and Joe welcomed Braison inside, and gestured her to sit on the couch. Braison placed herself nearby the wooden door, not seated or speaking.  Joe shut the door.

After a long moment of silence, Braison began blurting out questions about Charlie Matheson Jr. and Slender Man. Libby brought her to a halt after tons of words were said.

"First of all, Charlie Matheson Jr. is not the Slender Man. He could be a proxy though," Libby explained, her emerald eyes darkening. "I haven't heard from him or his father in a while...they're so introverted. And they're somehow involved with Slender Man, which we all know isn't a good thing."

"Okay. One more thing to say," Braison said, arms crossed and eyelids closed. "I'm going to hunt down Slender Man. Again." Neither Libby or Joe spoke a word, though their jaws dropped and their lips wobbled. Braison gradually stepped up to the shocked couple. She waited.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Joe screeched, taking Braison's shoulders and shaking her hard. "The last time you did that, you were scared, wanted to give up, and your brother died!" Libby put a hand on Joe's arm, whispering for him to stop. Joe let go of Braison and showed no remorse for the girl, who had widened eyes overflowing with tears. The words "your brother died" and how hard Joe shook Braison was too overwhelming. Braison let out a growl that came deep down from her throat. She decided to lie.

"Fine, I won't go," she fibbed, backing up. "I won't. Thanks for the information." Joe didn't believe her, but he didn't want to blow up again, so he departed the room. Libby didn't believe Braison as well, and knew she was lying. She did nothing just like Joe. She stared at Braison. Immediately, Braison hasted outside, away from the couple. She felt insane, she felt ridiculous, and she felt hurt. The revenge starts tonight Braison thought, holding up her middle finger behind her back. That was definitely for Slender Man. How could he think she would let him get away with anything?

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