Chapter 22: Another Search

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Night came. It was dark once again, and Braison and Gunner felt miserable. They were freezing, they were starving, and they longed for the morning sunshine to warm them. They were also frightened because Slender Man would be hunting for his victims now...and they were probably next. Braison and Gunner were inside Braison's tree house, which they found when Ken left them. Gunner repeatedly knocked on a wooden drawer, and poked inside its drawers. He found fruity candy inside and popped them inside his mouth. Meanwhile, the FBI agents were scattered around the forest, searching for the kids. They were brave and walked rapidly in the dark of the forest. An agent named Lola Tunson panted as she felt something wet land on her forehead. But she fearlessly touched the liquid on her forehead, sniffing it. Her nose wrinkled and her eyes widened when she realized what it was. Blood. Lola shrunk back a little, glancing around. Where had that blood come from? She grabbed the flashlight from her belt and held it to the direction above her. The light gleamed on a rotten body, which was lying on a tree branch. She was about to turn around until she heard an eerie echo. Lola stayed in place, listening to the noise carefully. She then heard voices. Lola finally spun around, and rushed towards the noise. She charged into someone and her head bashed against them. They both fell to the ground, groaning. 

"Lola?" a voice whispered shakily. Lola sighed with relief. It was Ken.

"Yes, Ken, it's me," Lola assured him, brushing dirt from her boots. "I found a few dead bodies. You might wanna take a look." Ken shivered.

"Oh, you found more? The rest of the agents are still looking for the kids, but they also found some dead bodies too!" Ken gulped, standing up. "They're taking them away to the medical examiners. Donny's going to the medical examiners to see what happened to all those bodies." 

"Okay. Now come on, let's find those kids," Lola urged, rising up from the cold ground.

"And possibly more dead bodies," Ken said with a shudder. Lola rolled her eyes.


Braison and Gunner rocked back and forth against the tree house's cold wall. Braison was holding on a unique painting of a colorful peacock she made. It made her feel calm.

"What is that?" Gunner questioned, aiming his finger at the painting. Braison gave him a little shove and didn't answer. Gunner chuckled. But he stopped when he heard voices of the FBI.

"Braison, the FBI is still searching for us!" Gunner hissed softly, poking Braison on the shoulder. "We should've gone back to Libby and Joe's! I can't believe Shane's there too, I wish he was here."

"Stay quiet. And hide!" Braison ordered, ducking behind a drawer. Gunner thrust himself inside a large timber closet. The FBI's steps were heard as they stepped onto the tree house. Their eyes squinted at every single item, they rummaged through things, and they coolly shined their flashlights around. Josh yanked the closet door open. Gunner was panicking now, as he hid under a pile of  Braison's clothes. This panicking was making it difficult to breathe as Gunner froze in place. Braison's brother wished Josh could go away, but he could feel Josh snooping around the clothes. Gunner thought he felt a tug at the sweatshirt he was underneath. Oh no, I'm dead! Gunner thought, chewing at his lip as he clamped his eyes shut. He nearly leaped of joy when all the agents shouted "Clear!" The corners of Braison's mouth turned up, and her eyes danced as she heard the agents go down the ladder. Josh still stared at the closet though, which made Braison swelter. 

"Let's go Josh, let's go!" Jack commanded, clapping his hands. Josh went down the ladder and gave the closet a scowl. The agents disappeared after. 

'Phew, that was a close one! Huh Gunner?" Braison said, walking out from behind the drawer. She heard no reply. It was quiet, except for the sound of a creepy noise which couldn't be identified. Braison collapsed on the ground suddenly, shaking her head. No, no! she thought, taking deep breaths. She shut her eyes and memories came flooding back. Slender Man when he had chased after her, and as she saw the sight of his blank face, which made her scream so loud. She remembered the scary noises he made, and his height that made people, even adults, fear him. Braison didn't know why this was all coming back to her. She visioned what Zeke's death was like, and how his serious face probably turned into a terrified face, his mouth wide open at the sight of Slender Man. Braison groaned as she opened her eyes, slapping her forehead twice. Why had she thought of all of this? It was such a nightmare. But the creepy noises she heard now scared her. They were probably from Slender Man. That's why it had brang all these horrible memories of him, and made her brain keep images they didn't want to keep. Braison stood up and trembled. Gunner! She darted to the closer and opened it. Gunner wasn't in there. Braison imagined him dead because of Slender Man, with blood streaked all over his face and his body limp and lifeless. She pushed the thought out of her head as she frantically glanced around, Only darkness surrounded her though, and darkness could make a person lose all their courage. 

"Gunner! Gunner!" Braison shrieked, as she stepped back. She felt her foot step on something. Slender Man?! Without thinking, Braison spun around. Gunner!

"Boo!" Gunner shouted, jumping up. Braison put her hand on her chest, and she felt her heart beat faster and faster each second.

"You scared me! Gunner! What the heck is wrong with you?!" Braison cried, grasping on her brother's shirt sleeve.

"Calm yourself, I was behind the drawer. I wanted to see your reaction of me gone. Boy, you were freaking out! You actually fell on the ground!" Gunner laughed, as Braison glowered.

"Gunner, this isn't funny. I thought you were dead!" Braison grumbled, punching his arm. This wasn't a playful punch, but an angry punch. Gunner put his hands up as if he were a caught criminal.

"Geez Louise, I'm sorry!" Gunner snarled, turning his back to her. "Let's just go to sleep." Braison and Gunner grabbed blankets from the closet, and covered themselves with the cozy blankets. It got silent for a while. Very silent. There was no more creepy noise. Braison glanced at Gunner. The back of his head faced her. 

"Gunner, I'm really sorry if I got you angry, it's just that you got me worried," Braison explained, her voice more kind than before. Gunner seemd pretty upset at Braison though.

"Just shut up," Gunner jeered, moving away from Braison. This got Braison's eyes blazing and a flare of temper flew through her body.

"I hate you so much!" she screeched, scooting away from him. Gunner didn't say anything else though. He was wordless.


It was ten o' clock, and the night was growing much spookier. Donny met with the medical examiners in a dim room with lavender walls. A medical examiner named Melissa Wedford lead Donny to the bodies, which were covered with green cloths on gurneys. "So, some bodies were on trees, some were next to trees," Melissa said, walking across the room. "The murderer is very aggresive I'll say. He or she impaled their targets, using a sharp instrument. A really sharp instrument. There are some deep wounds found around the stomach." Donny winced, as if he were the one who had sharp instruments stabbed around his stomach. He tried to not imagine what the deaths of these people looked like.

"This murderer is also very strange and disgusting. He or she removes organs from people, and he or she places them in bags," Melissa added, tugging on a strand of her wavy hair. "The FBI found some bags in the forest and there were a few organs in them. It was gross. But hey, this is what I do for a living. I see gross things all the time." Donny nodded.

"Is everyone back from Slender Forest yet?" he wondered out loud. Melissa was pushing the gurneys away, and the wheels squeaked loudly. Donny knew she could hear him over the sqeuaky wheels, she just wasn't replying. Melissa noticed Donny staring at her and finally responded.

"Yes, they all came back. But I believe they found one agent dead. Agent Oagers,"

"Stephen Oagers?" Donny asked. Melissa didn't hesitate to answer this time, she said, 'Yes'. Donny called the FBI station, and Jack picked up. 

"Hello?" Jack muttered despairlingly, glancing at the clock on the wall. Donny told Jack everything Melissa had said. 

"Okay, well, the technical analyst, Agent Russbord,  just did some research," Jack said into the phone, pulling out a water bottle. "Some of the victims' neighbors and friends seem suspicious, so we might ask them questions soon." Donny frowned. 

"You know what? I'm starting to kind of agree with Ken," he confessed, as Melissa opened the door for him and waved goodbye."I think Slender Man did all of these killings."

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