Who Is He?

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Who is He?

He wouldn't give such if he knows you can't handle

You intend to learn and win on your own battle

As long as you're alive he's not yet done

Otherwise, if he's done, it means you are now gone

You might cry now, laugh later and cry again next

That is how it works if you are on his own world

Experience is the best than those book context

Behind everything, always stick on his words

Everyone shouldn't question his own words and will

It might cause yours lose on everything you had reach

No one could knowledge than those any bill

He is aiming to convey your faith and to teach

Never hesitate and afraid on thanking him

He will always be more than those many best Don't look for something that aren't around

But be thankful that he had gave pound

Even if you are not asking for it to be around

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