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July 21st

Dally: is she okay?
Grace: I don't know.
Grace: shes not talking much.
Grace: I think it might have been her mom.
Dally: she was telling me before we started fighting that she was dealing with her mom
Dally: I told her I wouldn't let anyone hurt her.
Grace: you cant blame this on yourself Dal
Dally: she deserves so much more than me.
Grace: that's not true. you two were perfect for eachother.
Dally: were?
Grace: are *
Grace: I know she still loves you. I know her
Dally: I doubt it.
Grace: She just needs time.
Grace: Her mom must have hurt her pretty bad
Dally: it sucks because all I want to do is hold her and tell her everything is all right.
Dally: but I cant, and nothing is all right.
Dally: I miss her so much
Grace: I know you do.

The outsiders messagesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ