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May 19th

I walk in the door and the smell of pot and alcohol hits me hard. Kelly yells with excitement, letting go of my hand and off to find her friends. I promised Darry I wouldn't drink, so I find my way over to the couch. I look around and take in the environment, I like observing more than I like participating. A very drunk Grace comes up to me and kisses my cheek.
"Pony, baby! How are you" she exclaims.
Her long blonde hair is flying in her face. She always was really pretty, and sodapop never shuts up about her. Speaking of who, soda comes up behind her, drink in hand.
"You're not drinking, are you pony?" Soda asks.
"No, are you?" I reply.
"A little bit", he smiles and grabs grace's hand.
"This pretty thing has corrupted me" he winks and walks away with her towards the kitchen.
Shortly after, Dally and Elena walk over and hands me a drink.
"It's watered down, just for you" Elena says winking.
"Where's your girl?" Dally asks slyly.
"I don't know" I reply, taking a sip. I almost gag but try to seem a little bit cool, but Elena laughs at my attempt. Dally always gets the prettiest girls. I mean Elena is more like an older sister, but it's just a fact of nature she was pretty. They walk away, and I get up to find Kelly.
I walk past two-bit drinking straight from a keg, and Steve flirting his way into Bree's pants.
"Hey pony baby" Kelly says, kissing me on the cheek.
"Do you, wanna go somewhere?" I ask.
She looks at me with big eyes, and suddenly kisses me hard on the lips. I guess that was my response, she takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Internally, I am freaking the fuck out, but I won't let her know that.
She pushes me against the wall, and kisses me again, I put my hands around her waist and pull her closer to me. She fumbles for the doorknob in the room next to her and opens it, we stand in the doorway and I hear them before I see them.
"I thought you locked the door!" A familiar voice says,
I look in and see a shirtless Johnny sitting up over another person
Kelly laughs hard, and starts to close the door, when a shirtless Jack Anderson gets up from the bed calling out "lock the door behind you, whoever you are".
Kelly leads me out laughing, until we find an empty room.
I pray that Johnny didn't see me, as Kelly locks the door behind us.
"Come here, weirdo"
I smile, and kiss her softly and lead her over to the bed.

The outsiders messagesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin