Chapter 6 - What now?

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'Rih it ain't so bad.'

'AIN'T SO BAD? THEY BOTH LEFT, BOTH OF THEM, even Drake! I don't know what I'm gonna do now.' I said crying

'There, there.' Meli said patting my back as she hugged me 'Now, I recall they were gonna think about everything. Not that they were gonna leave already... Now you think about what youre asking from them.'

'It's a lot to take Rih' Jen added 'I'm sure at least Drake is gonna come back, I mean he's a great guy'

'Yeah I'm not sure, it takes a lot of responsibility, a child' I added sadly

'Oh don't be such a drama queen' Meli said nicely

'It'll be alright' I was happy I had both of my girls there, I knew they would always be by my side, but I wasn't sure about the guys, maybe I was asking too much from them, but so what? I didn't make that baby alone!

And I know I don't know who the father is, but it's defenetly one of them, they could take the responsability with me, it's not that big of a deal.

'Rih... Thinking about it, what are gonna tell the media?' Meli asked

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, about the father, what are you gonna tell the media?'

'The truth....'

'Oh no you won't!' Jen, as my manager she got to say what I was suppose to do about the media and she ould resolve all the problems about rumors and shit, but that didn't mean that I couldn't say whatever I wanted

'WHy not?'

'Because...' She just couldn't find the word to say it, I knew she was gonna say ''Because everyone will think you're a bitch'' 

'I don't know...'

'Maybe you should choose one of the guys and say it to the media that he is the father' Meli suggested

'But what if he isn't? That would be just wrong'

'You gotta take the risk' Jen said. And with that the topic was over. We started talking about something else, they wanted to see if something else would cheer me up, I hardly think it would.

I was gonna tell my family about the baby today, I know my brothers will be supportive, but my mom is something else... She had always told me to be careful with the pregnancy thing, as she got pregnant with me way too early she would know how bad a surrise baby could be. I can only imagine she will be a little bit pissed.

'Hey ma! Hey baby brothers' I said to them as they came in through the doors with their bags and everything, my younger brother hated when I called him a baby, but I prratically raised him so he can't complain, he'll always be a baby to me.

I welcomed them, they left their bags on their rooms, each one of them had a special room in my house. I was pacing up and down, nervous. How was I gonna tell her?

She came up to me telling me all abut her costumers in her shop, I decided to let it go a bit, let us talk through more so then I could drop the bomb. Rajad told me about how he hates school and wants to be a famous singer like me, but as my mother did to me, she wants him to finish high school at least before he tries anything. And I think she is right. I assured him that whn he was done with high school I would defenetly help him out.

'Where is Rorrey?' I asked in the middle of the conversation, nobody knew how to answer me so I went looking for him on the house. He wasn't in my room, or Jen's room, but in Meli's room...

'OH MY GOD RORREY!' I screamed as I opened the door to see my brother fucking my best friend.

'CLOSE THE DOOR!' They both screamed and so I did, it would take a while to recover from that scene. 

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