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Name: Kirstin Paul
Age: 17
Height: 5'2
(Pic above is what you look like)

"Kirstin wake up, you need to get ready" my mom says putting her hand on my back. She was always so nice about waking me up my dad would just scream at me until I got out of bed. I jolted out of bed and ran over to my vanity. I was so excited to see my brothers! I looked in the mirror, uh why do I have so much acne I thought to myself. I quickly covered it up with concealer, added some mascara and of course highlighter, I mean it may be 6:00 in the morning but you know my cheeks still gotta be poppin! I brushed out my tangled hair too lazy to do anything with it and put on some comfy clothes since I would be on an airplane for a couple hours.
*Your outfit*

I ran downstairs and grabbed the cereal from the cabinet, Cinnamon Toast Crunch of course

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I ran downstairs and grabbed the cereal from the cabinet, Cinnamon Toast Crunch of course. Jake never liked this cereal which I will never understand but he also pours his milk and then puts the cereal in.... like who does that. Logan and I still make fun of him to to this day about it. I downed my food and gave my mom a hug goodbye.
"Bye mom I'll miss you" I told her
"Bye sweetie and remember if Jake or Logan give you a hard time call me so I can set them straight" we laughed and I walked out the door getting into my Uber. I wave goodbye to my mom and we were off to the airport.
I got to the airport running late as usual, I think I get that from Logan! I ran and checked in my bags as quickly as possible. I felt very accomplished until I saw the line to go through security, there was no way I had enough time to wait in that line. I had no choice so I walked up to the front of the line.
"Excuse me" I said to an older lady, she looked pretty sweet.... "I'm about to miss my flight and I have to make it I was wondering if I could go in front of you" I asked as nicely as I could
"Yes of course hun" she smiled back
"Thank you so much" I said checking in and going through security. I got there just in time to board the plane... thank god.
~~~Text Message~~~(K-you L-Logan)
K: hey I just boarded you're picking me up right?
L: yeah see u then sis!
K: wow you're awake I figured you'd be asleep, but see ya!
L: one thing you should know about me is I never sleep😂
K: haha ok
I found my seat and of course it was a middle seat, ugh I sat down and was about to put my headphones on when a lady, probably mid 40's sitting next to me started talking to me.
"So what is a girl like you going to LA for" she asked
"I'm going to live with my brothers, they are famous youtubers" I said trying to put my headphones on
"Who are they" she asked with a smile
"Logan and Jake Paul" I said through gritted teeth I hated talking to people on planes
"Really my daughter loves them" she said
"That's cool" I say smiling trying to act nice and put my head phones on. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up we were about to land. I get up and walk off the plane and out the gate. I look around trying to find Logan.
"Kirstin" I hear from behind me. I spin around and see....
More coming soon and sorry for the bad cliff hanger I just had to finish somewhere. I don't know how fast the updates will be I start school tomorrow but I will try to update as fast as I can! I am also writing this story on my Instagram and if you want to follow that it is @loganpaul.wdw same as this account (always plug). Also if you have any suggestions of how I can write better or you can give me ideas on what to write feel free to comment!

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