Shuji, who was sipping from a cup of hot tea, shot Eli a spiteful look.

“Still feeling cold, I’m afraid.” The blonde responded nonchalantly, and took a seat opposite Shuji, avoiding his brown eyes.

Umi shrugged, and made her way to the sofa, sitting beside a stoning Kotori, the latter’s light golden eyes staring into space.

Rin yawned loudly, and Hanayo rested her head on her shoulder, causing the police commander to tense up.

“Honoka, stop pacing.” Umi spoke again, while resting a soft hand on Kotori, who had also dropped her head on the archer’s shoulder.

The baker stopped in her steps for a moment, a worried expression crowning her features. “But Seki-chan is still missing.”

Umi sighed. “I know, which is why I need you to sit down and think it over.”

Obliging, Honoka planted herself on the sofa beside Umi in an ungraceful manner. The werewolf shot her a disgruntled look, but said nothing.

“Where did you last see her?” Umi prompted, shifting Kotori’s head gently on her shoulder. Honoka buried her face in her hands, racking her brain vigorously.

“At...Rin-chan’s house. Before we got kidnapped and before we met you in the woods.” She relished the memory, faintly remembering Hoseki’s grim expression.

Umi nodded slowly, and started running her fingers through Kotori’s lush grey hair. “Then, what did she say to you at that point in time?”

Someone is watching. Or something like that, I can’t remember all too well now.” Honoka muttered softly, and pushed her ginger bangs back, leaning further into the sofa.

Shuji placed his cup down, creating an echoing ‘chink’ on the marble dining table. “Who are you talking about?”

“Hoseki-chan, my adoptive daughter.” Honoka replied, giving him a sorrowful look.

“I see. I’m sure she’s fine.”

“Hopefully. She’s one of my only sources of happiness now.”



A familiar, comforting voice yelled out, and Kori looked up to see Yuutsu with his arm missing.

Blood was spurting out gruesomely, and it took all of Kori’s mental strength to not barf.

Whimpering, she grabbed the hem of his silver shirt in her jaws and dragged him away from the monster of a man.


“Shh...everything is going to be alright. I promise.” He whispered, and stroked her snout. “I will protect you.”

Holding his severed arm, he edged further away from the Man, putting himself between Kori and the Man.

“You cannot harm her while I am around.” He growled aggressively, his electric blue eyes flashing dangerously in the dim light of the laboratory.

“Oh, I definitely can’t.” The Man smirked. “But you can.”

He removed the dreaded remote from his pocket, his thumb hovering teasingly over one of the red buttons.

Yuutsu shrank slightly, and started trembling in fear, knowing the horrors of that device.

“Now,” The Man grinned. “Come back to Papa.”

Yuutsu let out a loud scream as the collar around his neck pierced a long needle into his circulatory system.

Adrenaline flowed swiftly through his veins, and he could not prevent himself from transforming into his panther form.

The Man laughed at the sight, because he knew that the serum injected into Yuutsu’s body will drive him crazy. Oh, how much he would gain from this. From all of this.

As the panther’s eyes turned an eerie white, he tried to fight back.

“I...will not...give up!!” He snarled, shaking his head furiously, his eye colour flickering from between white and electric blue.

His amputated arm grew back almost instantly, and howling in agony, he spun around and headed for the Man, not hearing Kasai’s warning call.

“He still has the chainsaw!!” Kasai yelled out, and Yuutsu ducked in time for the saw to run down his side, taking some of his silver fur together with it.

“Oh dear...” The Man whispered, and chuckled, holding onto nothing. “I really did mean for it to kill you.”

A loud gasp from Kasai drew Yuutsu’s attention to Kori.

The white wolf coughed once, and blood poured from her mouth like a flood, the chainsaw still churning up her insides.

“KORI!!” Yuutsu sprinted over to her side, but by the time he did, he was left staring at a limp corpse, the whirring of the saw was all that he could hear.


Anything he could do to make the pain go, just anything. Anything.

Please. Let it all be a dream.

Eli covered her mouth in horror, seeing the remains of something once alive scattered over the stone floor like unwanted trash.

She could only keep her eyes fixed on Yuutsu, on his apparent despair.

All along, he was hurting too?

“It fault.” He mumbled, after yelling out all his misery and pain.

“Yes, yes it was.” The Man’s lip curled. “Good luck never comes to those who ask for it.”

He patted Yuutsu’s shoulder unsympatheticly, the werepanther having turned human again.

Eli just watched, as the Man left, now chasing after Kasai, who had fled for her life, biting back bitter tears.

She just watched, as Yuutsu gently lifted the dead wolf’s head onto his lap.

“ so sorry...”

“It was my fault...”

“And even if you don’t ever forgive me,”

“I will love you the same.”



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