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"I met Natalie when she was working as a temp consultant at our tech office in Houston." Mack Roogers just kept digging himself a bigger hole, I've got him right where I want him.

I give him my best confused stare, "That's interesting Mr. Roogers, may I ask when you started at the firm?"

"We already covered that Detective, I started in May of last year, on the 15th to be exact. Are we going to continue rehashing all of the 'evidence', or are you going to admit defeat and let me go?"

"Sure, sure Mr. Roogers, gimme a sec, will ya?" He rolls his eyes and nods his consent. Heh, like I need it. I leave him in the conference room and walk calmly through the door, as soon as the door clicks shut behind me I stand there for a second in thought. Then I do a little twirl and start jumping up and down and chanting, "Yes, I GOT him, yes, yes I got him!!!"

McKinney walks over to me laughing his ass off, "Card, you gonna show him, or should I?"

I give him my Are You Serious face, "Nah, you go right ahead."

"A'ight", he hands me the folder and adjusts his suit jacket, "Do I look alright?" He takes the folder back and places it under his arm.

"Why the hell does it matter what you look like Kin? I'm going in there, stop fucking around."

He stares at me for a second with a stern glare before his frown fades into a grin, "Alright, alright. Go. Don't keep the bastard waiting."

I grin, and snatch the folder from under his arm, "Whew, I got this."

McKinney grins and brushes the hair off my forehead, "Yes, yes you do."

Heh, that's weird, why the hair thing? I shrug and grin it off, he must be super proud of me. This is such a big case, though there's no pressure... just my job, my apartment, my dog, and my future on the line. Yup. No big.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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