"One, you can take custody of the children and have the public believe that those are Kriss' and marry Kriss. America will go home and be sad for a few months, but she'll get over it. Two, don't do what I say and America will leave with plenty of scars. They make great story starters. Don't get me started and what will happen to her emotional health though. Maxon don't make a mistake, choose Kriss and America won't be hurt physically."

"Father, I can't decide now." 

"You have 24 hours. Leave now."

I walked out of the room, leaving me Kriss listening in on the conversation.

"Choose one! Please!"

"Kriss I just said I can't decide now."

"Choose one! I would be happy to raise America's children as my own. She was always a great friend, and I want her close by. I want a connection with her. Choose one, for me."

"Kriss! I can't!"

"Why not? America will end up in scars all over her body if you don't!"

"I know that! I'm not stupid to remember!"

"I'm sorry...It's just that I want you. Just you. The twins happen to be there, but I'm fine with that as long you're on board."

"I have to talk to America." 

"Of course."


"America?!" I yelled.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Doctor Ashlar yelled at me. "Your Majesty! This is a hospital where people are trying to rest and recover." 

"I'm sorry, but where's America?"

"She's sleeping, but most likely you woke her up. With all the other patients" 

"I'm sorry, it's just important."


"What are you doing? I heard you across the room yelling my name"

"Yeah, probably not a good idea."

"So, I never got your opinion on the names Eadlyn and Ahren. Thoughts?"

"I like the names, but Kriss might choose something different"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"My father wants to take custody of the children."

"And you're letting him!?" She yelled at me. "Maxon! Who do you think you are right now?"

"The future ruler of this fine country."

"And in this "fine country" You allow taking mothers from their children?"

"It's not my fault you signed the custody contract!"

"The King gave me no choice. Even when I refused, he still canned me!"

"That changes nothing!!"

"Oh, it changes nothing? My skin and flesh mean nothing to you? These children mean so much to you, that you are taking their biological mother away? Which basically implying that I mean nothing to you."

"I never said that!"

"Yes, but you implied it! You said that changes nothing after I was canned. By your own father too! You never even asked about what would happen if it hurt the children."

"Wait what happened?"

"Ugh, do not even try right now! Acting like you care all of a sudden."

"I do care! They are half mine too!"

Maxerica: That One BulletWhere stories live. Discover now