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Sorry for late update! I was out of town for the weekend!! Thank you for your patience dearies :D 


Slamming my light blue locker shut it creaks and groans as the screws are probably older than dirt. Walking down the bustling halls I quietly slip through shouting jocks wearing their Letterman jackets, ducking under flying volleyballs and dodging a rowdy group of middle schoolers. Biting my lip I peel the loose skin from my flesh, causing an electric pulse to spread throughout my lip as a metallic taste infects the tip of my tongue.

Cursing in my head I turn the corner into a less crowded section of the school, going to the back entrance in order to get out of the prison faster. Lost in my thoughts I look down at my worn shoes and grimy floors. As I peer up from the ground I run into something, well someone. 

Brent Elmore.

Shooting my eyes up I form a fist and rotate my hand across my chest clockwise, saying i'm sorry.

"Look at this fucking freak." He says with a scoff.

I take a deep breath, my lips curling into a frown. Is bullying a new subject to me? No, this is what happens when you don't talk. People take advantage of it.

"What was that? Are you having a stroke Perez? Wouldn't be surprised if there was some brain damage up here." His friends snicker as thrusts his hand out, smacking my forehead with such force I have to step back to catch myself.

His side chick this week, Lydia I think it is, smirks with her cherry red lips "Are you going to say sorry to him?"

I do the sign again, weakly. I am used to their harassment, to the point I am numb to the feeling of their hurtful comments causing me to choke up.

Grabbing my shoulders Brent hurls me into the nearest lockers, and a deafening clatter echoes through the corridor as my body connects with the metal. Slamming onto the ground I debate on whether or not to curl up into a ball or fight back. 

Scrambling to my feet I stare back at them with an unwavering, dead expression. I feel my cheek twitch as they call out another remark. Lydia charges towards me, slamming my already bruised spine into a concrete column. Clenching my jaw my face doesn't change, a blank expression holding up a facade of how much pain I feel inside.

With one quick motion a kneecap drives into my stomach and my ribs start to burn as the bone comes into contact with them. Coughing I try to gain my breath to no avail. "Worthless!" She screams at me, her nose just inches from mine as she smacks the side of my head with a wicked pain shooting up my skull. Smacking the other side of my head she starts to laugh, black spots dotting my vision like a twisted light show.

"Hey!" An angry Ashton calls out "What the hell are you guys doing?! Brent seriously what the fuck man!?" 

Closing my eyes I take a moment to think of how to avoid my father, so I don't have to tell him I got bullied at my school. Last time I was he just beat me worse, telling me that I was a disgrace to him. 

"We were just trying to get her to talk Ash." Brent says with a shrug as I slowly open my eyes with tears already lining the bottom...wow that's a lot faster than last time.

"Well she obviously doesn't want to" He laughs sickly "Or hell,maybe she can't Brent. Ever think of that?"

Brent takes a deep breath, rolling his eyes "She talked from 1st to 7th grade. So yeah, she can."

Ashton impatiently sighs "Okay, so she obviously just doesn't want to. Don't try to force her to asshole."

Brent's lip twitches into a scowl until he disgustingly huffs and turns on his heel "Whatever" Snapping his gaze to me he smiles "See ya later mutt." 

With that the gang walks around the corner, and out of sight.

I gulp down the lump that's formed in my throat, and the stinging feeling in my eyes. Unfortunately a single tear escapes and slowly trails down my face, leaving an odd cool feeling on my skin. 

Bending down to retrieve my backpack from the floor my back is screaming in agony, a searing ache spreading rapidly throughout my spine and now reaching my shoulders.

I draw in a sharp breath, clasping my hand over my mouth to trap the loud scream I want to let out. It burns. Oh Lord it burns.

"Hey." Ashton bends down, resting his gentle hand on my forearm. Peering up my eyes peer into his deep blue ones. With just a quick glance i'm lost in them, searching the ocean blue void.

"You okay?" He asks in a whisper, he too searching someone's eyes. Mine.

I slowly nod, darting my eyes to the ground.

He lets out a loud sigh, as though relieved to hear that i'm okay. Lightly grasping my chin I can feel my eyes dilate in fear as I am accustomed to this touch, one that I get at home.

Instead of pain I feel a soft finger wipe away a stray tear from my cheek, helping me up he moves an odd hair out of the way and sadly smiles "Sorry about them." He opens his mouth, as it to say more, but shuts it.

I slowly nod, as if i'm accepting his apology.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asks as we start towards the back doors.

Careful not to be too frantic I nod a couple seconds after his question, getting out a blank pad and pen I write down "I only live 15 minutes from here :) Thank you for the offer though."

Showing him he smiles "Kk, see you tomorrow then?"

I let out a small chuckle "It's Saturday tomorrow." I write down and show him.

He smiles "Yeah, I know. Tomorrow at 11:30, meet me here on the front steps."

I wiggle my nose "That was more of a statement then a question." I scribble down quickly.

He flashes a small scowl "Oh come on, you'll come. Yes?"

I let out a small smile and nod, mouthing the simple words "Of course."

Waving goodbye I peel off to the left, a new spring in my step "See ya!" Ashton calls as he walks towards the large yellow buses.

Walking home doesn't seem as dreadful and as I swing the door open to my house I still have a small smile on my lips. That is until my father comes into view, fresh alcohol dripping down his chin.

And his smile is just as wide as mine.

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