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It's freezing.

Opening my eyes I let out a yawn and roll over to the other side of my bed. Ripping my phone from the charger I snuggle back underneath my blankets.



Unlocking my phone I reply back: Hey, sorry totally passed out when I got home :p

Scrolling through my feed he responds a few minutes later: No problem ;) Wanna hang out today?

Taking a deep breath a stinging wrist reminds me what happened last night. I start to cry but quickly wipe away my tears. Turning again my hip reminds me that it had a glass bottle slam into it last night also. Ripping the covers off a frigid wave stings as I pull my running shorts down a bit and I am met with a bright purple and blue bruise that spreads across my entire right hip bone. Carefully pulling them back up I think for a moment: I'm not feeling too good actually...maybe tomorrow?

Yawning again I slip my phone into my bra and walk to the window.

His car is gone.

Sighing in relief I make my way towards the door, my hip giving me substantial difficulties. Every step a numb pain shoots up my side and down my leg, checking the bathroom I did a good job cleaning after myself. Peering into the mirror a shock of electricity travels up my stomach as excitement bubbles inside of me. Nothing, no cuts or bruises to worry about.

Lifting my shirt up however an impressive blue bruise covers my abs and ribs, letting it fall back down I yawn once again I throw my hair into a messy ponytail and head back downstairs.

Checking my phone Ashton's name brightly illuminates the screen: Oh, what's wrong?Headache?

Turning into the kitchen I swing open the refrigerator. Well, there is milk and alcohol...and one single apple.

Wrinkling my nose I turn towards the cabinets to find them just as empty as the fridge. Sighing I head towards my father's room. No, think I came down with the flu or something. My stomach hurts and i'm sore all over

Turning the door nob I am immediately hit with a strong scent of body odor and liquor. Across the rat's nest of a bed are clothes of both genders strewn across the mattress and floor. Ripping open the old wooden dresser it groans as I dig through its contents. Finding the monthly check from his filthy rich brother I high tail out of there and slam the door shut. Taking a deep breath I head back upstairs to get ready for the day. My father's brother tolerates him. He does not like him, but he doesn't dislike him either. He knows of our financial state so he throws a few hundred bucks our way every month. Most of the time my father spends it on his needs in life, such as liquor and girls, but I can always sneak one or two of them for food every few months.

Pulling on a pair of jeans and a jean jacket with a sweatshirt underneath I shove my feet into my black combat boots from a few years ago and put on a dash of makeup. 

Aw, i'm sorry Monroe :(

Grabbing a large backpack I lock the front door behind me and start the forty minute walk to the nearest Wal-Mart.

As I walk along the empty streets of my neighborhood  hear a high pitched squeal and immediately recognize what hunk of metal it belongs to.

My father.

Looking up from the ground I lock eye contact with him in the drivers seat, beside him a women that laughs and lightly touches his chest.

Nearing me I can see him slow down and start to pull to the curb.



Sorry for short chapter! I have been so busy >.<

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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