10- Father Please

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"Father please!"

Father please.

I can feel the painful bruise tug at my cheekbone as I slowly walk to the school for Friday school, I am helping with the banners for football. School spirit. Yay.

Father please.

Sighing I try to shake my own cries out of my head as they claw at my soul, reaching and grasping for the tiniest bit of hope I have left. Leave. Leave. I tell myself over and over, but then again my father's voice rings in my head over and over. I'm dead if I ever tell someone, and a foster home would be just as worse. I couldn't imagine living on my own, at 18 you are a legal adult so I wouldn't even be in the system long enough to find a home.

Father please.

I clench my jaw, my eyebrows furrowed into a hard line. Skipping up the steps of the school I step out of the chilly autumn winds and into the sheltered, cozy hallways. Slowly shuffling into the gymnasium I walk into the locker room, shuffling through the art supplies to find the color of paint I want. 

"Hey freak." Brent's voice lazily says behind me, as if bored of the horrible nickname for me.

Straightening my back with the art supplies in hand I slowly turn around, waiting for the first throw. Instead he stands in the doorway, his arms stretched out across the doorway in a relaxed way. It's something a male would do to impress a girl to look cool or attractive. Snapping my unamused gaze to Brent's he isn't staring back at me, but instead his eyes lustfully search my body.

What do you want Brent? I want to scream out, but I know that it would only make matters worse. 

He sighs and bites his lip "You know I've gone weeks without sex? It isn't healthy for a man like me to go without."

My stomach leaps, and a sick feelings burrows itself into my stomach.

"You'd be an easy target."

Suddenly Ashton's body pushes past Brent's, a lazy expression on his face "Did you grab the supplies we need? The water cooler and bottles?" As he searches for the items he swings his head back to meet Brent's eyes "No? Okay cool, thanks for literally doing nothing. Appreciate it."

Rolling his eyes Brent turns on his heel and walks down the hall, the clip of his heels gradually getting quiet until I can't hear them at all. 

I let out a relieved puff of air and lean against the wall with a slightly hard thud, my screaming back now screeching. As I wince Ashton too sighs "Why didn't you scream? Any noise at all. You didn't even have to talk."

As his body turns towards mine he has an angry, yet sorrowful look chiseled into his eyes "Monroe, he could have taken advantage of you."

I look down at the ground, my cheeks heating up as embarrassment boils inside me. I dig the tip of my toe into the dusty concrete floor. Seconds go by when Ashton's black converse step into my view, and slowly I bring my gaze to his.

His eyes seem to be smiling, but his lips are not "I don't want to see you hurt Monroe. Ever. It would break my heart."

I can feel my ashamed eyes dilate as surprise shocks up my spine.

A loud clatter from the gymnasium calls for Ashton's attention, and without a word he slips out of the door. Relaxing my body I realize just how tense I was.

Does he like me? 

Or doesn't he?


Hey dearies!

I am so sorry but updates may be later,  I just started school and it is chaos because I am in sports and advanced classes. I am so sorry >.< But school will come before this, I am sorry to say even though I wish it wasn't true but I will be ha, But I promise to try and update a chapter a day...although they may be shorter.

~ Scorched

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