Chapter 14

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Its been an hour since I told them about the mate thing. I told them to go run it off and then I had to deal with Emma.

"Why am I trying to calm you down? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I hug her trying to stop her from getting too angry.

She pinches my triceps.

"Ow! Woman." I let go of her and rub where she pinched me.

She took a hold of my shoulders and stared right at my eyes.

"Uhhh... awkward..." I look anywhere but her.

Sighing, she shakes her head.

"Your not feeling any extreme emotions about your mate rejecting you?" She asked me seriously.

I lift my eyebrow at her.

"Who am I kidding?! Of course not. I bet your wolf has no feelings to him. You are one mysterious girls." She smiles at me, shaking her head.

The boys emerged from the woods and came to me. They shifted and hugged me.

"Eww. Ewww. Get off me. You guys are all naked. Get off, get off." Finally managing to shove them off. I ran in the house.

"Don't act all so innocent, Jordan." Declan chuckles going to his room.

I stomp to my room to change to a suitable outfit and go back down.

"When I find your mate Jordan, he is gonna wish he wasn't born." Rick said cracking his nuckles.

I bust out laughing at this. When they find out who he is... damn... I don't know what to imagine at that point.

They stare at me expressionless. "What if it was a girl?"
They shake their head at me with a thoughtful look. They don't know which way I swing when it comes to me and dating.



This pack is weird. They have dinner all together on Friday night and breakfast on Sunday morning.

Me, Declan, and Bennett have claimed one end of the tables in the dining room. Bennett sitting at the head. Declan to his left and me to his right. Emma and Rick are sitting towards the other end of the table with Liam and Bridget.

All night Declan and Bennett have been observing everyone to see who is my mate.

"So there's this new club that opened in town a few days ago." I start.

"I know." Bennett gaves me his smirk.

"Can we go?" Declan asked.

"Well, we can... but how?" Bennett smirks.

"Oh for goodness sake, Bennett, just because you own it doesn't mean you get to tease us with it" I hiss at him. He lifts his eyebrow.

"Uhhgg fine. Anything you want?" Me and Declan say at the same time.

"Which side are you on?" Bennett asked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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