Chapter 9

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I have no idea how a real prom goes or what the official rules are. Hence I make mistakes.


The end of the schoolyear. And this end is different. This was my last year. And it was one hell of a year. But there is one way to make it end bad. And there is one word I have been fearing the whole year.


I was so excited for prom when I was a junior. And now I am a senior and I just want to hide in a corner. Yea sure, prom is amazing and such, but not in my situation. Not when I want my boyfriend to be my date, and when that's impossible. It's not that we both don't want to come out. I assure you, we want to. But we are scared to death. What if people hate on us? What if we get thrown out of the gymnasium (that's where they keep the prom). What if, what if, what if...

So now I have a date. Anna, to be exact. Just as friends. She knows that. And she says she's almost completely over me. I just love that girl, as a friend. She's been an amazing support. Better than Naomi at least.

Naomi... well... she really took her space. I was sad, yes. But not anymore. I came over it, almost then. She ignores me. She sends me dirty faces and I don't know why. I have never done something wrong. Jason doesn't ignore me luckily. He talks to me from time to time. Nothing's changed between us. I am glad about that. But Anna has been the best friend so far. We talk on a daily basis. She has been one of the reason I didn't give up. And of course there is Dan.

Dan. The man I love. I really do love him. After the honeymoon stage was over, I still saw him coming everyday. We had a few more dates and we kissed. Just as other couples. I would want to say normal couples, but aren't we normal then? Because we are the same gender? Are we not the same? It's a bit crazy to say that actually.

'Chad! Your date's here!' my father calls from downstairs and I look at myself in the mirror. My black suit matches my black tie. My hair is messy and to be honest I don't even look that bad. I take a deep breath and breath out before I go downstairs. Anna's waiting in the hallway and she looks beautiful. Her dress is deep red and she's wearing black heels. Her hair is braided and a few loose tufts of hair.

'You look beautiful Anna,' I say and she smiles when she notices me. I walk towards her and send her a smile back. She really does look beautiful, but I just can't focus on her. My mind goes back to Dan the whole time. He's with this girl I don't know. She seemed nice though. I bet he told her, about us. At least I hope he did.

'Thank you, Chad. You don't look so bad either,' she says and I chuckle.

'Come on you guys, Imma drop you off,' my father says and I make a gesture at Anna that means "ladies first". She smiles kindly and follows my dad towards the car. I follow her and close the door behind me. I look at my house and see my mother looking at us from the window that's gives sight on the fornt yard. I can't place the look and I just look away. I just want to enjoy this night. As much as possible. At least.


I step out of the car and walk around it to open the door for Anna. I give her a hand and when she's outside I say bye to my dad.

'Can you pick us up at twelve?' I say and he answers yes. I like that my dad's always there for me. We became so much closer after I came out.

'Are they taking pictures?' I ask Anna and she shakes her head.

'No, only after the prom. When everyone looks like shit,' she jokes and I laugh at her joke. I think it was the right thing to ask her with me. Though I'd rather be here with Dan. Whom I haven't even seen yet. He's probably inside.

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