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Lorelai shrugged "Yes, purple is festive."

"We can't have purple." Rory denied.

Hayden frowned "Yes we can. It's pretty."

"And they're on sale." Their mother added.

Rory sighed as she looked between the two "We're going to a serious school now, we need serious paper."

Hayden rolled her eyes "The color of paper doesn't change what grade we're gonna get, only the words on it can do that."

Lorelai nodded, gesturing her youngest "Paper's paper."

"Not at Chilton." Rory denied.

"Alright, fine." Lorelai sighed, throwing the yellow packets into the basket "Here is your serious paper. Ooh and here are you somber highlighters, your maudlin pencils, your manic-depressive pens."


"Now these erasers are on lithium so they may seem cheerful but we actually caught them trying to shove themselves in the pencil sharpener earlier."

Rory sighed, turning to walk away as Hayden and their mother snickered "I'm going home now."

"No wait!" Lorelai raced after her "We're going to stage an intervention with the neon post-its and make them give up their wacky crazy ways."

Hayden hesitated before grabbing the purple legal pad and scented gel pens before rushing towards the checkout "Wait for me!"

"DECENT effort by most." Mr Medina addressed the class as he began handing back their latest graded papers "Good effort by some, exceptional effort by two. Miss Geller... Miss Grant. Mr, Graham. Miss Gilmore," Rory's face fell as she received her paper, a bold red 'D' circled at the top right corner "Take these home, learn from your mistakes. Look at the large red circles around various parts of your paper as friendly reminders that to err is human. And that here at Chilton we try to beat that humanity right outta ya!"

Hayden perused over her D- with a sigh before turning her head as she felt a pen dig into her arm "What, Dugray?"

Tristan smiled "I've decided to let you use my notes from the first quarter for the test tomorrow."

"Oh, really?" Hayden narrowed her eyes suspiciously "And what's the catch?"

"No catch." He shrugged innocently "It's just well I need them too, so... we'll just have to study together."

"Have you seen how many notes we have?" She scoffed quietly as Mr. Medina passed the remainder of the papers back "It'll take us hours and then I'll have to get back to Stars Hollow—"

"We have all night." He shrugged, leaning back in his seat "Stay over at my place."

"Right." Hayden scowled "You're not getting into my pants."

"As truly lovely as that sounds, I just want to study. You can even bring your sister." He sighed when she didn't relent "I mean it, I know I won't be able to force myself to study without someone there to make me. Please, come on, my parents will be home."

GOLDEN ☕️ GILMORE GIRLSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon