Friendship regained!

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kissed him!!!!

Some girl: oh hell nah!!

Mia:there's a kiss scene for you Alisha!!!

Alex: what. Just. happened?

Lauren: I have no idea but, I have no idea.

Remi: why is it that your not acting, but I feel like I should applaud?

Lauren: what is happening right now?? She broke a remlaw!

Alex: by remlaw number 23! Never ever kiss someone else's boyfriend!

Lauren: awww you read the book I gave you!

Alex: of course! It's has cool stickers.

Alisha:anyway, what the heck is wrong with her?


I cant believe Lauren just swooped in and took my role! Like who does she think she is? She deserved what i did to heerrr-

I bumped into Kyle once again

Mia: can you watch where your going Kyle? You bump into me every single day!!

Kyle: sorry. I was, nothing.

Mia: you should get glasses. Bye!

Kyle: wait!!

Mia: what now? You want to hit me on purpose?

Kyle: do you want to go on a date with me?

Mia: are you serious??? You?? *laughs hysterically*

Kyle: yes im serious!! I was, dared to. Yeah!

Mia: oh well then, sure!! What kind of more loser would you be if i turned you down?

Kyle: so is that a yes?

Mia: dont make me say it in front of all these people! But yeah, why not?

Kyle: see you later :)

Its about time! My crush finally asked me out! I was giving up but, i guess he likes me! And i know he isnt really a daring kind of guy.


Mia: hi lauren

Lauren: what do you want?

Mia: i want to say sorry. I was just so mad and you know how easy it is for me to snap.

Lauren: remember when you saw tiffany's boyfriend with another girl and you punched him in the face?

Mia: *laughs* and then it turns out she was his sister?????

Lauren: *laughs* god you ruined tiffany's life in ninth grade!

Mia: I'm surprised tiffany is still friends with me!

Lauren: me too!

Mia: so, are we friends again?

Lauren: sure, now you need to spend 5 minutes in the well for breaking the remlaw of friendship!

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